Sunday, April 27, 2008

Odd Shots Monday--I can see clearly now--NOT

Here are the Odd Shots guidelines.

You can always link to them in the sidebar before the blogroll.

I've been to the eye doctor for new glasses and found this odd guy.


When I got my new lenses, they didn't seem right. I could see fine at a distance. But I could read with my right eye if I closed my left eye and looked a bit to the side. That is rather inconvenient for a librarian. I went back three times before I could convince them that there was more to it than adjusting the frames. Finally, the occulist determined that the prescription was right but positioned in the wrong place. So she put my old lenses back in the frames. After several days trying to get used to the new ones, now the old ones no longer seem right.

So, in a couple of weeks, maybe I can see clearly again.


Dewdrop said...

Mine is up... boy, that is odd. I have a few blogs, you can check mine out at...

Sharon said...

YIKES! If your Dr. can't get it straightened out i'd go to another one. Once I got a pair of glasses that I couldn't see out of as well as my old ones. I argued with him, had to convince him something was wrong. He rechecked and..... hadn't noticed the astigmatism. Never went back there. Good luck!

My Odd Shot is up.

Trish ~ ♥ ~ said...

Hey what happened to the rest of his face!! I can't see it!

I joined in this week ~ thanks for playing host.

Anonymous said...

I've Odd Shotted. And I agree with you about this new Blogger verification thingy - it is quite brutal! Gee I'm glad I'm with Wordpress :)

imac said...

Odd indeed. ypu I need to go but not till June, cause that be when im 60 - get free eye test and 1/3 off new specs.

My 2x2 Odd Shot is up now.

Lilli & Nevada said...

I have had that happen to me as well not a pleasant feeling.
Thanks for posting about the word verification, it sure has been a pain the last couple of days, I try to check all the sites that are posted. Sure got to be a real headache .

mrsnesbitt said...

I bought Jon one of these noses, to keep his glasses handy! He thought I was trying to say something about his nose! LOL!

Unknown said...

That certainly is odd Katney!

Mine Odd Shots is up here.

Anonymous said...

That's the sad&funny thing at the same time - the glasses. It's always has been - my problems remind me The Ape and the Glasses by Ivan Krylov:).
The Bloggers word verification is really boring. I don't put it on till there is no need for that.
Our Odd shot - the ShoeStory is up too...

Jane Hards Photography said...

Mine's up Katney.

Another goody from yourself. You do put a lot of thought into don't you? truly an odd shot.

Have to say the blogger verification is rather annoying. I turned mine off. It's putting a lot of people off leaving a comment, which is a shame.

raf said...

Yep, odd and yet, a handsome photo, if you nose what I mean. Thanks, Katney.

Should be up soon at Port Townsend Daily Photo

Karuema said...

mine is up:

Karuema said...

But your odd is really odd on this time - very funny:)

Diane said...

Katney, I can certainly relate to that. Getting glasses just right, especially when you have bifocals & trifocals are a bit tricky to say the least.
This "nose-piece" reminds me of that commercial that used to be on TV about some type of allergy medicine I believe *GREAT* ODD SHOT!
My Odd Shot has been posted~

Daryl said...

Great shot ..

Come see the photographer I caught .. yes, photographer ..


dot said...

That's quite funny looking! Hope you get your glasses straightened out.
I'm participating today but don't put me on your blog roll as I'm not sure if I'll be able to participate every Monday.

Anita said...

Whoa... lol that IS odd! Nothing worse than something necessary not working right!

Mine's up at Prairie Visions!!

Anonymous said...

Good shot... terrible experience. I hope you get it all straightened out very soon.

Blogger verification... I also had a horrible time with it over the weekend... and honestly, I don't know why folks use it at all. If folks are monitoring their blog, I assume they are, then it's a lot easier for them to delete an occasional spam than to subject all their readers to those darned verifications.

Write From Karen said...

Odd? No. Cool? Definitely. *grin*

I wear reading glasses, though I wish I didn't. My eyes have gotten so used to them that now when I try to read anything without them, I simply can't. It sort of alarms me, quite frankly.

Mine is all about the braid.

Write From Karen

Gypsy at heart said...

I had a similar problem with sunglasses. They persistently insisted they had it right. They lost a customer.

I love your shot!

Dragonstar said...

That's a real fun shot! I agree - maybe you need a new optician.

I posted last night, as I've been away today until now. My Odd Shot is here

Unknown said...

I have a pair of glasses that I never liked. I never went back, either.

But, luckily, I could see well enough to find this week's odd shote.

the mother of this lot said...

Yet another great photo Katney! Hope you get fixed up soon.

Cath said...

Now THAT is an odd shot! And why don't opticians (occulists?) believe us? After all, they are MY eyes and it is MY blurred vision. Why would I lie?

I love this guy. And your critters in the post below - that's like my photography! Tiny dot of a bird or something in a mass of sky. I have 1000s of shots of sky! lol

becky aka theRAV said...

Love this one! it's too funny. Its ironic you had to get new glasses too. I have mine up now.

imac said...

Ay ay ay.

Visit Adare Cottages in Ireland.
on a word verification free blog.

Anonymous said...

I dislike captcha verification myself and although I used it for awhile I ditched it after too many complaints from folks that wanted to comment.

Lake Lady said...

Great idea, Katney! Hey, I've posted on my original blog that you have linked, but I've also posted on my other CDP blog at

Maybe you could link that one as "Corsicana Lady"?

Anonymous said...

this is kind of funny....very nice shot!

Dragonstar said...

Hey, thanks for telling me about Zoey - I'm delighted!

John-Michael said...

Katney, my Dear, You see more and recognize more clearly with your blurred vision, than the Majority see with 20/20. I always appreciate and enjoy your "views."

Lovingly ...

Paulie said...

That is very funny! I meant the photo of the glasses on the bridge of the big nose.

Hope you get your glasses problem solved soon.