Sunday, April 6, 2008

Odd Shot Monday

The Odd Shots explanation is here.

I really like the way this photo turned out when I zoomed in on just part of a fountain on the waterfront in Seattle.


Paulie said...

Uniquely odd!

ArneA said...

Almost lost your odd shot today.
Too many bridges made it difficult to scroll far enough.
I thought the photo was from a flooding destroying chairs on a restaurant.

Dragonstar said...

That's a lovely shot! Is the whole fountain as good as this photo makes it look? Beautiful.

imac said...

Wow What an ODD shot.

Mines going up very soon like now lol.

The Empty Nest said...

That shot is very unusual. I really like it.

My Odd Shot Post is up and running at The Empty Nest at,,,

I am posting a comment for the second time as I don't think I gave you the correct URL for my post. Sorry.

Unknown said...

Neat shot Katney! Very good post for the "odd shots".

Mine is up!

Anonymous said...

I like the meme and have decided to play. Mine's up at


Anita said...

I love that!! What a great shot...

Mine's up at Prairie Visions!

Sharon said...

It does look odd, the water and the angles just seem off. Great photo!

mine is up.

Anonymous said...

My Odd Shot for this week is up now. It is a bit fishy, though. :)

david mcmahon said...

I can almost hear the sound of the water!!

Diane said...

I really like this one Katney~a really gorgeous Odd Shot!
Mine is up~

Silly Goose said...

Like Arne, I thought it was chairs being flooded with water. No matter, it's definitely an ODD shot. ;-)

Kim said...

Very cool.
For awhile now I have been playing a game on my blog, called "What is it?", where people guess what the picture is. Sometimes nobody plays, but it is still fun.
I came across your Odd Shot and realized that my game fits with your odd shots. So, instead of my game I would like to play yours :)
My odd shot is up:

Kyanite said...

That is a neat shot - water is always differcult, close-ups more so.

Lilli & Nevada said...

Wow that is a great Odd shot of the water. That is a beautiful fountain

Anonymous said...

I love water pictures, maybe because I am so bad at them, yours is pretty neat!! Anyway, here's my odd shot for the day....

Odd Shots Monday

becky aka theRAV said...

That is neat looking, Katney. It looks like an abstract which I love. I have mine up now.

Anonymous said...

Great shot...this is a fun idea! I've got mine up at

raf said...

Have walked by or sat by that fountain many times over the years, but have never noticed the take you've captured....way cool!

Great idea,this. Just posted my shot at Port Townsend Daily Photo

Daryl said...

I wanted to stop by and say hi .. and how much I missed participating today .. it was a hectic day at the office on top of which I was babying my back in preparation of going on holiday .. but I promise a new odd shot next Monday ..

Cath said...

Awesome Katney. Just awesome.