Sunday, February 10, 2008

Random Visuals--Odd Shots

It will be official. On February 11 we started with weekly
"Odd Shots on Monday" .

I invite you to join us. Here are the rules, which will remain simple.

1. I will post my favorite odd shot for the week no later thatn 12:01 Monday morning Pacific Time. Right after midnight.

2. An odd shot could be something very ordinary taken at an odd angle that makes it a really cool picture. It could be an odd combination of things that make you laugh. It could be an unusual occurrence or sight. It could be any photo that defies categories or themes for other memes. There may be other definitions, so this rule is open ended.

3. Post a comment on my latest Odd Shot post if you have an odd shot so that we can find it.

4. Post only one odd shot each week. (That is going to be the hard part for me.) It must be from your collection of photos you have taken, and can be from your past files or something new. It can be edited by cropping or correcting the brightness, but no fancy stuff, please.

Here is an addendum to the one shot rule: Bend the one shot rule if necessary to clarify the shot. Limit additonal pictures to one or two that explain the Odd Shot. Bend the rule, but don't shatter it with a string of unrelated shots. If you have a wonderful story with a series of illustrations, mention or link it in your Odd Shot post but post it separately.

5. David created a great logo for us and it has become the offical image of Odd Shots. You are welcome to add it to Your Odd Shot post.

Comments on this post have been suspended. Odd Shots comments should be made on the latest Odd Shots post, which normally appears about midnight Pacific Time on Sunday into Monday.


Susan Rose Francois, CSJP said...

I played here although I "cheated" and posted mine early on Sunday evening! ;)

david mcmahon said...

Great idea. You should include a Mister Linky here so that people can register and you know who's taking part ....

I'll be in that, for sure ....

Katney said...

You can comment here to show you've participated. I have thought about the Mr. Linky thing. I might think about it some more if it looks like I need to. Do you have to pay for Mr. Linky or is it free?

Katney said...

BTW, David is a natural for odd shots. He is a fantastic photographer, and an author as well. Visit his blog and see some of his photos--well, we'll see what he comes up with for odd shots. I can't wait to read his new book.

Paulie said...

Ok mine is up. I will be back to comment on yours later. . . like Monday! I hope lots of people join you.

I know you said ONE photo but what if they are all related? I set aside one grouping for this like that. . . that was before the rules were posted! lol I guess I will just have to choose or use the group for something else.

Mollie said...

Hi there! I found you via Susan and I wanted to play, too. Here's my contribution.

Patty said...

I may try this next week. I like the idea of the mr linky..I will be back to see what is happening soon.

david mcmahon said...

G'day Katney, thank you for those very kind words.

Yes, I think there is a $10 fee for Mister Linky if (and only IF) you are starting your own theme.

If you have any questions, let me know. Also, I'll publicise your theme on Monday Australian time (Sunday your time) when I post my shot.

Take care


mrsnesbitt said...

Hi, I used Mr Linky on my ABC Wednesday, it was free.

becky aka theRAV said...

Well, I think I did this before reading your post about "Odd Shots" Monday. If you go to, the bottom photo for my post on "Valentine's Day, 2008" is the one. Let me know if it works for this...

Unknown said...

Here is mine.

Lilli & Nevada said...

Well i thought i might try this and see what odd things i can come up with Might be fun looking.

imac said...

Great shot - for ODD SHOTS, love water falls.

Mines now up.

Lake Lady said...

This looks like fun....I'll post my first one shortly at

Anonymous said...

May I join?

Toni said...

ME ME ME - I would like to join!

Cath said...

Katney - I have just scheduled a post to go up at 00:05 BST but was just reviewing the rules. I noted the one shot rule - which I am currently breaking regularly, including with this scheduled one. (4 shots, same theme). Is this a problem? If it is let me know and I will do my darnedest from next week to get it to ONE shot.

Sorry if I have cocked it up a bit. Still learning (to read evidently... :0/ )

TwD said...

I jumped in with my balloons ;)

Your trees: may-be Edward Scissorshand was there?

Lucky Lady said...

i want to try odd shots monday

Anonymous said...

Not sure if I'm doing this right never-the-less here's my first attempt at odd shots Monday which can be seen here at


PS love the site

~Easy said...

Hmmm...I think I'll give this a whirl. You have no idea what you're in for, though. ;-)

Louis la Vache said...

Katney - "Louis la Vache" is up and running with the Odd Shots Monday for 23 June. Mme. la Vache captured this week's image.