Friday, February 29, 2008

Photo Hunt Saturday--Theme: Party

Click the logo to visit TnChick, who sponsors the hunt.

I am not much of a party animal, but if you think of a party in the sense of a celebration, the most significant party I have attended in recent months was the celebration at the end of the Breast Cancer 3-Day Walk last September in Seattle. The entire three days was a celebration of life from the opening ceremonies in the wee hours of Friday, to the pit stops, to the pink tent city which was home for two nights, from the supporters who helped kept us going those sixty miles, to the sweep vans who picked us up when we couldn't.

Needless to say, when over two thousand people walk 60 miles to get to a party, everyone does not arrive at the same time. But this party could not start early. This is the holding area where those of us who arrived before the start time waited till all was ready.
You may notice that though most everyone is wearing their party shirt, some of those shirts are in pink. Those are the breast cancer survivors who walked. Other walkers' celebratory shirts were white, while support crew sported gray shirts. You don't see crew shirts here, as crew members were still out providing support for walkers and getting things ready for the party.

As we entered the stadium for the party, some carried official banners and others their own celebratory banners. Rachel and I carried a windsock with pictures of my mother and sister, whose losing battles with breast cancer inspired our team name, The Janes for Jane and Ann.

Here come the party-goers into the stadium. Talk about a loud party! You can see a hint of the crowd of spectators in the stands. We tried calling all the cell phones of the family to let them know where we were on the floor of the stadium, but they couldn't hear their rings.

Some party goers had met their family members outside the holding area while waiting, and had already had hugs, kisses, and gifts of flowers. Waving the flowers in celebration probably seems sensible, but you may be wondering about the shoes.
The thing with the shoes was a big surprise to me at the time, too. There had been some hard to hear announcements as we were getting ready to leave the holding area, so I may have missed it. I was not ready with my shoe loose, and had to scramble to participate. After all the walkers and crew had entered the stadium, the crowd was silent as the survivor walkers marched in. The raised shoes were a tribute to those walkers who were themselves survivors of this dread disease.
I think this was probably the biggest party I have ever been to.
It was hard work to get an invitation, months of training and fundraising, but I am working toward attending again this coming September.

Perhaps you remember my hat? If you don't, you can read about it here. If you or someone dear to you has fought breast cancer, I would be proud to add their name to those on my hat. Please share them in the comments. I will continue to wear my hat as I train and participate in future 3-Day walks this year and hopefully in years to come.

My new walking shoes have a breast cancer pink ribbon on the tongue. You see them at the top of the sidebar of my blog every day. I am wearing them for training walks and hopefully will not have worn them out by September. You can click them here or click below them on the sidebar any time if you would like to donate to fight breast cancer through sponsoring my walk. All donations benefit the Susan G. Komen for the Cure and the National Philanthropic Trust.

If you click the 3 Day label below, it will take you to my other posts about last year's 3 Day Walk experience.


Carver said...

Excellent post for this weeks theme. Great shots! Hope you have a happy weekend.

Anonymous said...

Great post! I can think of very few better reasons for a party... best wishes in training and participating :-)

Btw... according to this site:
2000 was a leap year, also... I did have to check to be accurate in my post :-)

ancient one said...

WOW! A Pink Party!! WOW! Wonderful post for this week's theme!!

Napaboaniya.Elaine Ling said...

This is one of the most meaningful party I've come across today. a party with a very good cause :)

Katney said...

You are right JC. If the year is divisible by 100 it is not a leap year unless it is divisible by 400. Now doesn't that simplify things!

Natalie said...

What a wonderful cause to party for. My grandma and her twin sister are breast cancer survivors.

-tnchick- said...

What a terrific post! I had no idea about the shoes!

Smalltown RN said...

that is most perfect an appropriate for the theme...what a party sister just being diagnosed with breast cancer last spring went through treatment and is going strong....wonderful...what a party indeed!!!

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful cause and celebration! Happy photo hunting!

jmb said...

Now that's a great party Katney. Such a worthwhile cause and good for you for taking part. Good luck for this year too.

CRIZ LAI said...

What a huge turnout at the stadium! This is a great way to sure your support. My Mum had a lump last year too but luckily it was not cancerous. All the best Katney :)

Sit tight! Fasten your seat belt! Drop in to have some fun in my PARTY

Jen said...

i really enjoyed this post!! Thanks for sharing! :)

Anonymous said...

A party for a cause, nice one ;)

Anonymous said...

wow, really nice photos

Anonymous said...

I think I mixed up my comments. Anyway, I wanted to say there was the same campaign in our country last year and had the same concept, a walkathon for breast cancer awareness. This is a very wonderful event for a good cause.

Anonymous said...

What a fantastic reason for a party! Looks like you all had a lot of fun! Great photo and shoes off to you! Have a wonderful weekend.

Vi said...

Wow! Very similiar to our 'race for life' in the uk, but even MORE awesome!

Gypsy at heart said...

Great reason for a party and that looks like one great party!

I am sorry for your loss. Hopefully, one day breast cancer will be a thing of the past.

Paulie said...

Thanks for the "rest" of the story.

Anonymous said...

nice entry. did i see pink in there???

Anonymous said...

Hey! I think this totally qualifies as a party/celebrations. What an absolutely awesome photo hunters.

Dragonstar said...

Wonderful reason for a party! Well done Katney.

Barbara said...

What an inspiring post! A very good reason for a party. I will look forward to hearing about this year's event. Your hat is wonderful.

Barb said...

You get my vote for the absolute BEST take on this weeks theme. Great job! Think Pink.

Anonymous said...

Keep up the fight. What a most meaningful post. Thank you for walking to fight breast cancer.

Leslie: said...

This is the most marvelous post for party! I had goosebumps as I read and felt a lump in my throat - seriously! My sister will celebrate 2 years in April (her name is Robin) and we're all so grateful for all that everyone does to support research in this area. Vancouver has the same sort of thing here, only I think it's over 2 days. It's coming up again soon. This is a winner of a post, in my opinion! Well done!!!

Katney said...

Thank you everyone.

Thank you, Leslie. Avon sponsors a two day event in a number of cities in the U.S. My shoes are actually the official shoes for that event. There were a number of Canadian walkers in Seattle last year. i would love to add Robin's name to those on my hat.

Patricia said...

What a great post, Katney! Perfect party photos!

I have two names for your hat - dear friend Marilyn who is a survivor, and my dear friend Rose who remains in battle against this disease. Thank you.

Katney said...

Thank you Patricia. My hat had 75 names when I walked last fall. I will add your friends.

Rajson said...

Absolutely one of the best parties to support!
Great post!
If you want you can add my dear cousin Evas name on your hat, She is fighting too! She feels OK now and I hope everything is going well!
Thanks very much for this important
reading!Wonderful photos!

Andree said...

Katney, you brought tears to my eyes. I think this is the best party of the week. The year. Thank you.

david mcmahon said...

What a truly inspiring post.

I just wish I had enough hours in the day to visit every blog on my blogroll EVERY single day.....

Cindy said...

Would you add my son's fiance Janel to your hat? She is in remission from both breast cancer and kidney cancer. She's 21 years old and she has had cancer in both kidneys and both breasts. She and my son are getting married in July this year. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

your entry is very interesting!

Anonymous said...

Hi! That is a party for a cause. I would like to attend one too someday!

Gellianne said...

Very nice post and a good party too!

Bengbeng said...

this post frightens me. i fear what i do not understand. so i fear cancer. cancer is terrible. i have lost both parents to cancer

Katney said...

I can understand the fear, bengbeng, because I also lost both parents and my sister to cancer, and other relatives have had it, too. That is all the more reason to fight back by working toward funding research that will bring the end to cancer. That is why I walk, to honor those we've lost, celebrate those who've survived, and bring awareness to what we can do.

Harajuku PearL said...

Great one to share on this. Party for a good cause. The pictures are just eventful.

Have a good week ahead!


Anonymous said...

nice photo hunt entry indeed. like the pic with the shoes raised!

YTSL said...

Very cool post. Thanks for sharing the photos and all. :)

Kimo and Sabi said...

Our Mommakitty hopes to train fer that par-tay someday. Good job!

Trinity said...

wooow... this really a GRRRUUUUEEEAT PARTYY!! pink pink pink... breast cancer survivors who walked.. wow!! every body is the winner!

Gattina said...

Geez ! that was a big party !!!

Pumpkin said...

Great photos and wonderful post! :)

Fiona's photo a day said...

I think those definately fall under party pics - celebrating life is the biggest party we can take part in. Awesome photo's!

Heart of Rachel said...

This is a wonderful gathering for a good cause. Thank you for sharing it with everyone.

Anonymous said...

That has to be the best reason for a party. Congratulations on having done the walk and good luck for the upcoming one.

the mother of this lot said...

All that pink! If I had girly girls, they'd love it!

Susan Demeter said...

Great choice for this week's theme! Have a wonderful week ahead :)

Anonymous said...

now that was one big party!

Anonymous said...

You go girl!

bonggamom said...

That is amazing.. you and all those women are marvelous. My grandmother (Nena) and my aunt (Penny) have also fought breast cancer; sadly my grandmother lost the fight but my aunt is winning it.

Anonymous said...

Now that's a party with a purpose - great stuff.
Thanks for visiting.
I didn't find this one all that easy really - then there were ideas everywhere.

Anonymous said...

What a great post. I am so glad you fixed the link on my post. My MIL had a breast removed in April last year and is doing very well. Her mother, sister and one brother died of cancer younger than her current 82 years. That is an awesome party theme and and awesome party honouring those who have fought and lost, fought and have victory and those currently fighting the battle. Thanks for sharing.

I hope you are feeling better from your recent party, no, I mean your cold ;-).

Unknown said...

Someone sent me a link to your party photos, How great! It's so neat you will be doing it again this year! Party on!

Anonymous said...

that's a great party for everyone.

tommie said...

I got tears in my eyes thinking of how great a party that must have been.

Cath said...

Wow. That has left me speechless. (Anyone who knows me will agree that takes some doing!)

Just over from david's authorblog after an intriguing pic of yours was displayed and I'm glad I came over. Fantastic post. Fantastic achievement. Well done.

Cath said...
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Momisodes said...

What a great post and pictures to accompany :) A wonderful cause and celebration!

Anonymous said...

A great big party for a great big cause! Thanks for your comment at Spatter. It's going to take a few more to match your 60 plus!! :-)

Munchkin Mommy said...

hi katney! this truly was one great party! i received a mailer regarding this year's 3-day walk a few weeks ago and have visited the website as well. i understand that participating in this cause takes a lot of discipline and training...definitely not something one gets into on a whim. my hats off to you and everyone who participated and will continue to participate in the coming years.

good luck on you training! :D

ps. thank you for visiting my site. :D

Our Home Schooler and Jen said...

thanks for visiting my blog
what a great party

Anonymous said...

this is a great party, it's with a cause that's why..

btw, thanks for your comment on my hunt. yup pabitin is somewhat like a pinata..

Melanie said...

I love it! What a perfect reason to celebrate!!

Janet said...

Now, THAT'S a party worth celebrating! You know, it's funny, I just got an email today from a friend who's going to be walking and she wanted me to pledge. I'm happy to!

Tammy said...

Excellent pictures for this weeks theme!