Monday, February 16, 2009

Odd Shots Monday--Here's Looking at you

(I've been asked for Mr. Linky. I have inserted Mr. Linky. The last time I did there was a problem with it, so please, leave both a link and a comment. That way, If I should have to remove the Mr. Linky, anyone looking for an odd shot will be able to find you.)
I think I used that title before. But this time, it's looking at you if you happen to be playing in the snow at Mt. Rainier. The webcam in the upper left pane of that window faces north, giving this view in real time.
Shots shown earlier in the Monochrome post were taken from either inside or just outside this window, so if taking a picture of the webcam is not odd enough for you, the combination seems so to me.


Rune Eide said...

Interesting views and title. You might even have called it a kind of triple (maybe even quadruple?) reflection).

PERBS said...

I tell you what's odd. . . I was here and it said I was first posting when I put my name on Mr. Linky and submitted it. I even saw it there after number 1.

Then I went to post a comment and it showed Rune as number one and me as number 2 on the Linky thing . . .definitely weird how tht can change.

Anyway, I got to go to bed because I can't see any web cam. I looked and looked. Oh well, long as you say its there. I ahve no idea wht I am looking for.

My odd shot is up as wll as another snow photo just below it.

PERBS said...

Well, Rune says that my name on Mr. Linky isn't working anyway so just delete my name. I give up.

Dragonstar said...

It takes an Odd person to take an Odd shot like this! Fun though, and the view through the web-cam is superb!

Raquel Sabino Pereira said...

I love reflections!!! Great and Odd!!! Have a nice Odd Monday LOL!!

Anonymous said...

My picture is fresh off the card and
a bit of visual nonsense.
Visual games all round.

Gattina said...

I only see a nice picture, what is odd ? I have to laugh about Perbs' comment, lol !

Anonymous said...

An unusual view - I'm just glad my computer is seeing Mr Linky again :)

Gypsy at heart said...

You always come up with something really "odd"...hmmm....

Jane Hards Photography said...

I am glad I am late getting round to signing in. The comments today are so funny. Iget the shot within shot always an oddity. Mt Rainier comes up a lot of the blogs I frequent.

Anonymous said...

Naughty of me to go in a second time but I have added an explanatory picture.

becky aka theRAV said...

That is weird because I almost started to do an odd reflection I took last week. I did something else instead. said...

what an awesome view you have there through the web cam! Your photo is certainly odd enough for me to qualify!

raf said...

Way cool, Katney! Reminds me of the old song, "I was looking back to see, if you were looking back to see...."

Mamapippa ... said...

I'm looking into a tree stump today ...

Julie said...

Cool shot and I liked visiting the web cam. It's nice to see someplace with more snow then us, hope they get to keep it.

Victor said...

Posted my Oddshot this morning and then forget to comment here. Oops!

postie said...

Katney.. can you explain how this works ahd what is expected if you put something on your blog for the next odd shot monday.

Katney said...

Postie, all you have to do is post a picture the you have taken that is odd in some way. Some Odd Shots are odder than others. Link here so others can find it, and link to her on your post so your visitors will know where to look for others. There are a couple of different Odd Shot logos that you can use--the camera that you see in my sidebar or the Oddshot Wordle I used today.

I keep a blogroll of participants, but it is only updated every few weeks. All the details can always be found by clicking the Odd Shots camera in my sidebar.

Katney said...

BTW, PERBS, I was able to fix your link on Mr. Linky.

Mamapippa ... said...

Great reflections on the window !
I did'nt saw the web-cam the first time I looked ...