Friday, February 22, 2008

Photo Hunt--Theme: Wooden

Visit TnChk for Photo Hunt info.

When I went walking the other day I happened upon this wooden wheel. It has definitely seen better days.

I thought the one farther along the fence was in better condition, but it turned out that it was not by much.

What stories these wheels could tell! Did they carry a homesteading family to the Northwest along the Oregon Trail? Did they see birth, death, kindnesses, violence, fortune, and tragedy along the way? What weather did they endure? What people did they encounter? What animals? How did they manage to ford the rivers? Which of the homesteading families did they belong to and where did they finally settle?

We have an image of Westward pioneers riding in the wagons, but that is mostly false. For the most part they walked alongside, with the wagons carrying their goods. Small children probably rode part of the way. It would have been a bumpy ride.

Another trek this week brought us to this wooden tank atop a wooden tower. Oh, it has a wooden ladder all the way to the top, too. It is located at a restaurant and winery in Walla Walla.

This must have a century of history behind it as well.

See you next week for a Photo Hunt "party"!


jmb said...

What wonderful treasure you found for this week's theme. The wheels are very special reminders of a bygone era. Have a great weekend.

Leslie: said...

These are great photos and perfect story for the wooden theme. I wonder about the families those wheels carried.

ipanema said...

those are rare finds! i especially love the wooden tank. what we see no are made of aluminium.

jams o donnell said...

Q really nice take on this week's theme, I bet those wheels could tell some stories! Happy weekend

Anonymous said...

I was thinking of the Wild West seeing these pictures.

Smalltown RN said...

I love your choice for the hunt...great photos....

Carver said...

Great post. I love the wooden wheels and the wooden tank too. Have a great weekend.

Anonymous said...

Wow, those are amazing photos! I love those old wooden wagon wheels. Great shots!

Hope you can come see my Wooden Shot.

Rajson said...

Thank you veru much for visiting.
I can see we think little bit a like about things history!!
Nice shots.
Happy weekend!

Anonymous said...

Really great shots! Just to think about all the wooden things that have been replaced with some other material...

Anonymous said...

Perfect for the wooden theme. Great choices.

JesieBlogJourney said...

Your wooden has a great history. Thanks for sharing. My wooden is also published.

SnoopyTheGoon said...

You have chosen wonderful object for this week. Great shots too, and have a best weekend!

Bengbeng said...

these treasures seem so a page out of the cpwboy days n the wild wild west

**"Liza"** said...

ohh those are wonderful collection of photos..Very nice entry for this week hunt.Have a wonderful weekend.;)

My so called life
Life's Impression

Dragonstar said...

Those wheels must have seen so much. Fascinating to think about. That water tower must be unusual, too. Really good "wooden" post.

Max-e said...

Nice shots Katney - if only the wheels could talk........

Heather said...

Awesome shots.

Anonymous said...

love your post that goes with the great photos! We had an old cart wheel in our garden as deco, but it literally fell into pieces in the end. I often wondered, what that wheel had seen before it came to rest behind our house...

Thanks for your visit - happy Weekend!

Momisodes said...

I love those pics and their story! GReat choices for todays theme :)

Harajuku PearL said...

These are great pictures. I like the wooden tank. We don't have such things here so its interesting to get to see them

have a good weekend!


Fishman said...

Wooden things started way way back in history and have endured through times, eh?

Anonymous said...

I think so too that this piece has some great story to tell. Perfect for this week's wooden theme!

Patricia said...

Treasures, for sure! I love to imagine the lives in history, as well, Katney. Excellent choices and interesting post. Thanks for stopping by the creek - and I hope you are having a wonderful weekend.

david mcmahon said...

Great choice of subject.

MarmiteToasty said...

What wonderful and probably sad stories these wooden things hold within them....... love the wheel photos....


Anonymous said...

these are truly interesting pics..

Gypsy at heart said...

I love your wagon wheels....and your amblings and ramblings.....I love your blog!
My grand dad came from Alabama in a covered wagon so those wheels are poignant reminders for me.

ian said...

i agree! if only these wheels could talk, i bet they'd tell a thousand and one tales of their travels... great shots!

maryt/theteach said...

Katney, love your "wooden" post. Those old wooden wheels are wonderful! Thanks for visiting my PH post! I'm a librarian too, but I work as a adjunct professor teaching literature. :D

Gran said...

What an AWESOME post this week for our wooden theme. Ahhh. the stories from the era of the past.

Thanks for your visit.

Grandkids and Thomas The Train really present wonderful opportunities to share with the kids and many stories to be shared with future generations.

Have a wonderful new week!

Anita said...

Great photos! I just found the Photo Hunt last night, and posted... Will be posting next week, hopefully, if I can find something to post for "party"!

Rebecca (Ramblings by Reba) said...

I love those old wagon wheels...

Paulie said...

Gosh, I thought I had visited you this weekend already but maybe didn't leave a comment. . .

Love that water tower! Did you go to Walla Walla for your anniversary?

Barbara said...

These are good subjects for the theme, if only they could talk!

david mcmahon said...

G'day Katney,

My choice of Odd Shot is up ....

Enjoy your Sunday evening

jenny said...

I like your wooden photos, but had to read on about the condiment packets.

I must say, I'm someone who has handed out hot sauce---but ours was made every morning, and we had to put it in little round cups with lids. After you spend time every morning making it, you hand out a lot less than you probably do packages you didn't fill yourself.

Fun stuff here!

Liz Hinds said...

It is interesting to think about the pioneer families who faced hardship, danger and an uncertain future when they set off. It can't have been a lot of fun. they must have had such dreams to inspire them.

LogicYuan said...

its hard to believe that these old stuff are still seen on the road...

good one!

ancient one said...

Love, love those old cartwheels!!

Trinity said...

beautiful choice! Love the story behind the wheel!!

Anonymous said...

you've certainly posed some really interesting questions about the wheels and i wish u had the answers too. these are really lovely shots. thanks for sharing n stopping by.

LivG said...

Those are awesome! Nice work. Thanks for the visit.

Christy Woolum said...

As soon as I saw the wheel I thought of pioneers coming across the Oregon Trail I am glad there are some still around.

Heather said...

Perfect photos for the theme, and just a lovely post to go with them. Great job!

Thanks so much for stopping by. ;o)