Oh, I can't do this. I don't have any photos of hands and I don't have time to go find some interesting hands to take. What can I do with hands? This theme not for me? Think again.

So I went looking through my files for hands. I cropped them out of a bunch of photos. I was amazed at how many hands and how expressive they were.

Young hands (the first picture VERY young hands) to old hands--all these hands are family hands. Husband, children, grandchildren.
Eensy weensy spider hands.

There's a foot down there hands.

Bait the hook Grandpa hands.

Help me please hands.

Taking on a big job hands.

Tying hands.

Big hands.

Little hands.

And all the hands brought me memories and sweet thoughts of all the little ones and big ones in my life.
All because of a theme of hands.
Awww! Love those sweet hands. Great find.
Good thing you didn't have any photos of hands "on hand." lol These were prfect, each and every one of them!
Beautiful, I did not realized how expressive hands could be.
What a heart-warming presentation, Katney.
We're lucky to have you.
What a wonderful selection of hands and especially seeing the grandpa and child hands together.
Very well done! Hands are wonderful subjects and we ignore them most of the time. No quilting hands?
i think you *HANDLED* this well....
this is a great HANDS-ON post.
sorry. i'll go now. too much tea, i think. or, not enough!
Lovely collection of hands you've found.
AWW! Great collection of wonderful action shots. My Photo Hunt is up! I hope you get a chance to visit me, too.
Happy weekend!
That's the thing about hands... high five.
Well founded!
Fantastic! I love all of the photos you've shared this week. I, too, thought it would be a difficult one, but there were more photos available than I imagined.
Is there anything more precious than a child's tender hands?
You HANDled the theme perfectly.
Hi Katney, Nice to meet you. Thanks for coming by and leaving a comment. I have been looking at your blogs with interest. The country there is so arid compared with our green.
Your hands are delightful....mine just showed the size of an avocado!
There is nothing more precious that a baby's hands!
great job miss katney, thanks for stopping by
Nice selections you have here.
Thanks for stopping by, Happy Weekend!
Love all the shots of the hands :)
Wow ! you have a whole hand collection ! from 0 to X ! Very nice !
WOW very touching, love your hand collage!
Hands telle a lot about people - more than just a hint as to their age, I enjoyed you collection
Wonderful collection, Katney.
Such a great collection of hand shots. Amazing what we have around and don't even know it!
Wow what a lovely collection of hands
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