Thursday, March 19, 2009

This is why it is...

...that I seek Coc a Vin recipes at 4:00 A.M.


Daryl said...

Oh no! Cant sleep or is it really a rooster waking you?

PERBS said...

Enjoy those recipes! Looks pretty big -- you can make at least two recipes from it. Ü

Janie said...

Must be a very noisy rooster. We hear one in the morning, sometimes, but from a distance. Fortunately, it doesn't wake us.

imac said...


Mary said...

Happy Birthday!!! Rooster troubles???
I say, "Off with his head!"

PERBS said...

I didn't know it was your birthday today until I read the comments section.

Many happy returns to the day of thy birth.
May sunshine and gladness be given.
May God in His mercy prepare you on earth
For a beautiful birthday in heaven.

Katney said...

My birthday is not till June. I don't know why Mary thought it was today. I DID get an early birthday present yesterday--maybe I mentioned it in a comment to her or something.

Cindy said...

LOL! I remember when we first got chickens and I discovered that roosters crow ALL the time! They woke me up in those early hours first. in rural America. :)