Friday, September 26, 2008

PhotoHunt--Theme: View

See TnChick for PhotoHunt details and participants.
The theme "VIEW" seemed too simple. Anything is a view. I probably have two thousand photos that would satisfy the theme view in the simplest and most commonly thought of sense of the word. I dug through many of them--moving them to a "view" file. I knew I had to do something. I tried views from high places like a lighthouse and the Space Needle--those would have a connecting thread. But I still wasn't satisfied.
To get an angle on the word "view" I went to Lots of definitions. Not all of them photographically feasible. But this one worked for me:

a sight afforded of something from a position stated or qualified: a bird's-eye view.
Aha! Pictures from a particular point of view. Good. And even the example given in the definition is perfect. A bird's eye view!
So here is my offering of views from a bird's eye view, taken over a number of years from a number of airplanes. I always ask for a window seat.
A view of the Grand Canyon

A view of agricultural fields with circle irrigation in Southeast Washington

A view of the Tacoma Narrows Bridge

A view of the Arctic--either Greenland or northern Canada. Our Aeroflot flight crew were not inclined to be tour guides.

A view of the top of Mt. Rainier

What's your point of view?


(If you have come directly to this post from the PhotoHunters, click on Newer Posts or on my header to see some folks who are getting abird's eye view today.)


Gemma Wiseman said...

Your bird's eye views are brilliant! And the point of view comment on the last peak is hilarious!

Happy weekend!

Leslie: said...

Oh my gosh, Katney! What incredible photos! They're absolutely brilliant. Have a great weekend. :D

Anonymous said...

A frequent flyer's view of things - it's that window seat that does it.
Great selection.

YTSL said...

Great bird's eye views... though I think in some cases, they're from higher than even most, if not all, birds can fly! ;b

PERBS said...

My point of view is that your point of view is supercalifragilisticexpialidocious! Absolutely wonderful!

Mary said...

Love your bird's eye views....especially the top of the!

Sandy said...

I absolutely love all your pictures. It must be so exciting to visit so many places.

Teena in Toronto said...

Whoa! That's high!

I played too :)

Anonymous said...

Wow. Great shots.

Carver said...

These are exceptional shots. Great take on the theme Katney.

Gattina said...

I had a nice view on your post, lol !

Write From Karen said...

Bird's eye view, eh? We're on the same wavelength. *wink*

Write From Karen

jams o donnell said...

What a great selection. I really mis out going for an aisle seat! Happy weekend

Lew said...

Great views! My favorite of this set is Mt Rainier.

Misty DawnS said...

Wow! This is a really awesome post, my friend.