Monday, September 22, 2008

Odd Shots close to the ground

You have reached the home of Odd Shots Monday. Leave a comment here to let others know you are participating. You can find the details of the meme by clicking the Odd Shots camera in the sidebar.

Having discovered the macro setting on my otherwise simple camera, I have made great use of it lately. Here is a friend found on a hike last week.

Is the flash picture better? I don't know--which do you prefer?


Anonymous said...

I think the flash is better. The slug probably had to make a dash for shelter thinking the lightning presaged rain...
On the other hand, he might just have thought something Odd was going on.

PERBS said...

The flash is better. Sure is creepy. . . what is it?

My odd shot is up too but you know since you already visited! lol Welcome "home!"

Gattina said...

I am sure you had difficulties to follow this hiker, lol !
I think the first picture is better !

Gemma Wiseman said...

What a fantastic shot of a slimey character! I think I love it!

Here is mine:

magiceye said...

both are unique in their own way!

Kyanite said...

I have to say Yuk, Yuk, as not found of those critters.
Think the flash image makes for the odder shot.

My contribution is posted.

Jane Hards Photography said...

The second even though it's slightly out of focus it has so much depth and tone. It's actually a really good close up.

Daryl said...

I prefer the one in focus .. and not very odd so much as very ewwwww


Roan said...

I think he is clearer in the flash shot, but there is something appealing about the darker version. Both are nice. Odd though!

mrsnesbitt said...

Oh how wonderful! I would have loved to see you on the groud taking this picture...wonder what the passers by thought? LOL!

Trish ~ ♥ ~ said...

It is amazing what marco lets you see!

Cath said...

I prefer it au naturelle!

Often we do not see these creatures at their own level so they do look odd when we get down there... I bet we are odd to them too!
Mine is up too (after Monochrome Monday - scroll down). Please come see! Thanks.

Louis la Vache said...

WOW! Katney has discovered space aliens and has the photographic evidence to prove it! A contract with National Inquirer awaits!

"Louis" has returned to Albany Point for his Odd Shot and presents this Beauty Queen.

Anonymous said...

That second shot is brilliant.

Unknown said...

You make these guys look huge!

Unknown said...

I'm with Gattina - I like the first one better.

It's my first time participating... my odd shot is posted.

I have a self-hosted blog so I hope you don't mind I leave the link here
Sanni's Odd Shot b/c OpenID doesn't work in my case.

Have a great Monday!

Lilli & Nevada said...

The flash shows up much better, although i don't like these creatures i can imagine the slime coming off of them.

Anonymous said...

They're even uglier up close! It's hard to decide because both are good captures, but I think I like the first shot better. Mine is up too.

becky aka theRAV said...

I like the first one best, Katney.
Mine is up now.

Barbara said...

I love macro and will look forward to seeing yours, I like the first one without the flash best.

Dragonstar said...

I love the flash shot, because of the way the slug stands out and the background fades back a bit. It's an excellent shot.

Christy Woolum said...

Slugs just put me over the edge. It reminds me of ones that were all over my mom's screen door one rainy summer evening. Yuck!