Monday, September 15, 2008

Odd trees

This is the home of Odd Shots. Post a comment here to let others know you have participated this week. Be sure to stop by and visit others as you can. Click the logo in the sidebar to see the details.

We will be at Ohanapecosh all this week, helping in the Visitor Center. We found these oddly bumpy trees on a hike at Ohanapecosh earlier this year.


PERBS said...

Yes those are definitely odd/unusual.

Mine is up.

I can hardly wait 'til you return and write about your walk this year.

Gemma Wiseman said...

These trees look so weird! Like some kind of moss? Anyways, they certainly look like a great example of Nature's sculptures!

Here is my offering for this week!
Spring Madness Has Sprung

mannanan said...

Very odd trees indeed what with all the knobbles and the moss growing all over them. Great shot. Mines up at

Thanks for posting last week...We do have a large tidal range here in Ramsey and the harbour drys out like in the image most of the time...

mrsnesbitt said...

A fantastic view of the trees Katney!

Jane Hards Photography said...

Weird light in there as well as the knobbles.

MumbaiiteAnu said...

Odd indeed. Moss and all.

Check out my Odd Risky Storage

Cath said...

Strange looking trees! Mine is up too - here.

Hope all is going well for you.

Louis la Vache said...

"Louis la Vache's" Odd Shot today is from Paris.

Dragonstar said...

They look most Odd. You've caught a glow in the air as well.

Unknown said...

That is some odd moss on that tree!

Daryl said...

Oddly interesting .. mine is up!


Gattina said...

Really odd ! poor trees !

Anonymous said...

Those are very odd trees! Hard to tell if that's moss or some kind of fungus on the trunks. Well done!

Here is mine: Today’s Flowers - 09/15/08

becky aka theRAV said...

Hi! Those are odd and furry too. Great shot. Mine is up now. Having trouble linking so I apologize in advance.

Lilli & Nevada said...

Good morning and that is a lot of moss on that odd looking tree.
Mine is up as well we just got home

Lilli & Nevada said...

Good morning and that is a lot of moss on that odd looking tree.
Mine is up as well we just got home

Anonymous said...

Mossy burls, I imagine. Not that you could make burled furniture from these slender growths.

Rambling Woods said...

Now that is some serious moss. Mine is a more silly post
Rambling Woods

marcia@joyismygoal said...

I joined in today my son jumped over the moon

Kyanite said...

Those trees certainly appear strange with their moss jackets.

Diane said...

Trees are a constant form of fascination for me Katney. These are way cool~
My odd shot is up~

Roan said...

Very strange. I've never seen moss grow like that before.

Fairy Mae said...

The trees are awesome...Im afraid my odd shot isn't near as interesting...but its a topic!