Sunday, July 6, 2008

This and That on a Lazy Sunday

This is not going to be one of those serious, thoughtful, insightful blogposts. It could be silly, mindless, inciteful, though.
I just stopped by Blue's and saw her unconscious mutterings and thought I would throw my mindless free associations after hers. This actually comes from LunaNina. Well, something is not working to let me set a link, so here it is
She tosses out the words and you respond with what comes immediately to mind. Here they are with my responses:
Notification : official
Cheat : copy
Top Ten : Letterman
Draft : sloppy copy
Unbelievable : politicians' promises
Cheap : disposable
Spontaneous : Let's go somewhere NOW!
Harass : annoy
Lipstick : hmm, I wonder if I actually have any.
Transpire : occur
That's it. Link LunaNina if you do it, too, if you can.
Now, Daryl tagged me with a UU. She probably tagged me because I asked her what a UU was. She said since every one does MEMEs, she though we ought to do a YouYou but she spelled it UU.
This UU came from Holly, and to get the whole impact of it you might want to visit her and see how it came about.
I don't know what I did to make Blogger not let me post proper links. Here is Holly's and here is Daryl's
the UU must list the three things their husband (or wife) (or significant other!) (could be a pet, in lieu of all of the above.) (no pet? got a plant?) (if you have none of the above, you should go get one.)
So I'll do that part now. I waited till after he was well into eating breakfast to ask him. This is not something that you want to do without allowing caffeine and food in the system.
Here are his responses. BTW, he didn't say the one I thought he would, though he came sort of close.
1. You are very intelligent.
(Really, HE said it. I didn't. See why I made sure he had food and caffeine first?)
2. You are physically fit.
(Since our return from the mountain I have walked--all the way to the front door a couple of times. I don't feel very fit at the moment because I have a nagging recurring cough that won't go away and because of it absolutely no energy, but I think he gets this from the hiking and the 3-Day Walk and the fact that at the church auction last fall I bought a stationary recumbent bike and put it in the front room and have actually ridden it a couple of times.)
3. You have a lot of interests.
(In other words, Adult ADHD.)
I though he would say that because I am a librarian I could find answers to anything. See, that's kind of close.
The rules of this UU are posted at the ENDING of the post.
At the end of the post, the player then tags a randomly chosen number of people and posts their blog names, then goes to their blogs and leaves them a comment, letting them know that they have been tagged. the comment must end with the word 'pthththth'.
Oh, oh! Let me see who I will tag, I could tag--no he's on vacation--I could tag--no, that's a no tag zone--I could tag--no, I tagged her last time--I could tag...
I could tag...
I could tag...



holly said...

i really like you. now, some might say 'aw holl, that's just cuz she put your link on her blog.' no no no. i mean, normally, yes, that's it.

others who know me well would say 'oh, holls, you just are a sucker for librarians.' again, that's normally enough.

i like you for your non-cheetos-as-bookmarks policy. oh yes. that's good and wonderful.

and for your large, bold 'pthththth'. that is excellent. :)

Daryl said...

Brilliant .. especially the part about intelligence

Notice mine didnt say a word about intelligence ...


FANCY said...

*LOL* and I'm still smiling when I write this.

My bridge is up.

Cath said...

Awwww Katney you got me! Ihave two to do now - and I love the blog fodder.

Great answers. We all know you ARE intelligent and fit! THAT shines through your blog. (I'll check out how to do this in a bit - you must have asked certain questions to get those answers? - I'll visit Daryl and Holly in a bit.)

Thanks for this. Fun fun fun.

Paulie said...

I have no time for tags -- just trying to catch up on the posts I have missed because of my darn allergies.

You have a good sense of humor too!