Monday, July 14, 2008

Odd Shots Monday--what?

Odd Shots is hosted here each Monday. The rules are linked in the sidebar. Comment on the latest Odd Shot post here to let others know you're in this week. I update the blogroll as I can.

Introducing a new Odd Shots logo alternative.

I still love the one that David made for us, but when Daryl tagged us with making a Wordle, I worldled the Odd Shots Rules post. This is what it came up with and I think it is odd enough for those days when you feel like something different. So feel free to use either. Now most folks would give you some code to post it with, but I don't do code, so snatch it however works for you if you want to use it. (I just copy and paste.)

And on to my Odd Shot of the day--actually, an odd shot of a couple of weeks ago when we were returning by air from California and I had a window seat--ahem!--on the other side of the plane as witnessed by my last Odd Shot. Actually, the view was not too shabby on my side either, and some of it may show up if I Sky Watch in the next few weeks.


This, however, was there before me for the entire flight, and gave me pause.

Now, I have seen a lot of things forbidden with the ubiquitous red slash, but men? I generally let them hang around if they at least behave themselves.


Actually, the explanation may be clear with the rest of the signage on that engine compartment.

If it is not clear enough to read it says:


Stand clear of hazard areas while engine is running


...which is probably a pretty good idea.


Now, I wonder what that center symbol is.


Anonymous said...

I think I will agree to stay away from the hazard areas. very nice!

Kyanite said...

I for one like you new Odd Shot logo and will be coping it to take away.

A very good Odd Shot, I too have seen the symbol, it's sometimes on the planes wings too, to stop wing walking...

My shots now up.

Dragonstar said...

Great! I love these "self-explanatory" signs - they need thinking about before understanding!

I like your Wordle logo.

ArneA said...

I really liked the new logo and will use it immediately

Gemma Wiseman said...

Love your odd shot! Yes, I wonder what that other symbol is too. No idea! But I also wonder why the print about standing clear of hazards area is so small!.Surely its important enough for larger print.

Here is my submission this week It's a kind of sign too!

Odd Psychological Warfare

Hope your weekend was a great one!


EG CameraGirl said...

No men? Hmmm. That would make life kinda borinw, wouldn't it? LOL

I have an Odd Shot for this week too at:

Happy Odd Shot Monday!

Anonymous said...

An odd and funny sign.. no men.. it made sence when I kept reading though. :) Great choice of pics!
My odd one is up too. Have a great day!

Cath said...

Love the odd shot. Especially your take on allowing men to hang around. Maybe the middle one is (if men are NOT allowed) that fish are allowed?

Great wordle too. I will probably stick with the logo I have because with wordle, I have to print,scan in, upload then publish. That wordle would use a lot of black ink! (Which is why none of mine had a blackground). Cool concept though.

Thanks for visiting my odd shot. And for hosting.

raf said...

Great post, Katney! That is enough to give pause alright!

Anonymous said...

That's really an odd sign! :-)

Have a beautiful Monday!

mrsnesbitt said...

Great stuff Katney! Amazing what we are encouraged to read on a long flight! LOL!
Love the new logo! I have a new one for round 3 of ABC!

Anonymous said...

I do hope that doesn't mean women are free to wander into danger.Not very pc that.
Like your logo.

imac said...

OO lost for words, maybe a fish??.
My oddd shot is going up now.

Jo's-D-Eyes said...

This is indeed a vague warning,
ha ha Katney, I like the idea behind it but better take care!

I am joining-in for the first time, at Odd-shots with a photo. So I added a link to your blog,

Happy Odd shot
JoAnn from Holland

Jane Hards Photography said...

No men. Whata would the Isle of Man do.
Odd for sure.

Anonymous said...

Lol! Yeah... that probably is good advice! I played around with that wordie thing, too... pretty cool.

Unknown said...

I'll be traveling myself next week. I never would have thought about taking a photo of that emblem!

Roan said...

Very interesting odd shot...I too wonder what the middle symbol is. Odd!

Anonymous said...

Now why would anyone want to ban men. That is very odd is mine for the day......

Daryl said...

LOVE the new logo ... off to swap it out for the old one ...

And I have seen warnings like that before and have always thought them silly but you know there are a lot of silly people


Texas Travelers said...

I like your odd shots, but Mt. Rainier is my favorite. I had to re-read the bear story again.

Our odd shot is posted,
Troy and Martha

Lake Lady said...

Most women have had days when we wanted to post that one! :-)

Just realized that my Gun Barrel City Daily Photo blog isn't on your roll. I just posted today's Odd Shot at

Have a great Monday and thanks for hosting!

Louis la Vache said...

"Louis's" guess is that other symbol shows the area in front of the engine from which it draws air and the area of the jet thrust behind the engine.

"Louis" shows you how to see the Mona Lisa without traveling to Paris et le Louvre.

Victor said...

OK, I'm in. Just posted an Odd Shot at Gabriola Daily Photo. Thanks for hosting this.

Paulie said...

Mine is up also.

I don't think the sign meant "men" but stood for people/mankind.

I like your "new" logo too!

I did that with paragraph about snow and I will be posting it when I get time this week. . . haha

coolgirlsar said...

I like this idea and love the photo. I wonder why it's always men in the warning signs? Are us women just to safetyware?

dot said...

Interesting shot and I love the new logo! I don't mind men hanging around either. lol. (if they behave!)
My odd shot is HERE

Kim said...

Yikes, definitely do not go there when the engine is running. Sounds like a no brainer to me.

mine is up :)

Unknown said...

Great catch and very funny sign!
I liked the new logo and I will coping it to my site.

Here is mine - John`s Photoblog

Barbara said...

That is an odd sign but makes sense when you know why it is there.

I have posted my odd shot.

Anonymous said...

Gee. . . . that really raises my confidence in flying. . . . NOT!


Here's mine:


You are invited to check out a new daily meme; MEME EXPRESS.

Rambling Woods said...

My first attempt at odd shots.
Rambling Woods

Anonymous said...

Yeah that is sort of an odd signage to see. It certainly would get a double take from me too.

Paulie said...

I am sorry that two of you couldn't find my post. I posted it around 6:30 this morning before I went out. I come back and find that only two of you have tried to leave me a note. . . and they didn't even appear on the odd shot because for some reason it wasn't available to you. I am not sure what happened .I am kinda disappointed because I try to visit everyone that leaves a message for you. I am in the process of doing that now.

PS My odd shot will always be on postcards from paulie site

Katney said...

I came back later and it showed up, Paulie. I don't know what happened either. Maybe Blogger burped.

Lilli & Nevada said...

Like the new look guess i need to change over to the new one

becky aka theRAV said...

love the new logo Katney but I can't get it to work. I still like the old one too.

Anonymous said...

Ok, here's my first entry! Thanks to castleruins for introducing me to Odd Shots.

Diane said...

Love the off shot logo, and your odd shot for the week Katney. Will be back in the swing after my sale the is weekend!

Anonymous said...

Still not sure if |I'm doing this right but here's the link for my odd shot this week.