Monday, July 21, 2008

Odd Shot Monday--Parking

This is the home of Odd Shots on Monday.
To participate, post your Odd Shot
and comment here to let others know you are participating.
Click the Odd Shots logo on the sidebar to be taken to the details.
I will update the Odd Shot blogroll this week, but will not be able to after that for a couple of weeks traveling. Will attend to it again when I return.
And now, what have I seen that was odd?
Well, this Sunday morning I walked to church
and along the way found this sight.

I would say it was likely that a lot of small fry hag out at this home, and when they are not in attendance, their vehicles hang out on the clothesline.
I found that an odd spot to store wheeled toys.


Anonymous said...

I can't see it very well - are those skateboards ? Whatever, seems Odd.

Roan said...

Yes, that is an odd place to store toys!

mrsnesbitt said...

Art in itself! So colourful, a nice odd shot!

Katney, please could you e-mail me your e-mail address...


It's just about ABC Wednesday!

dot said...

Ha ha, that is cute for sure! I think you should stake out the place and find out what's really going on there.
My odd shot is HERE
Please don't put me on the blog roll since I'm not always able to participate.

imac said...

Great shot Katney.

My odd shot is now up .

Anonymous said...

Ok, my first Odd Shot is up!

Anonymous said...

Certainly an odd shot but it keeps the place tidy and things out of the way. That is until you come to do your washing I suppose........

Louis la Vache said...

Would you say that these toys have a hang up?

(Editor to "Louis:" (groans, sighs))

Before "Louis" and his Editor get into it again, here's "Louis's" Odd Shot.

Diane said...

Looks like a Big Wheel parking lot. Great shot Katney.
Mine is up ~

EG CameraGirl said...

Creative idea. OL Keeps everything from being underfoot. ;-)

Mine is up

East Gwillimbury WOW!

Unknown said...

Now that is not only odd it's really fun.

Mine is up.

Paulie said...

I think it is very practical even tho odd.

Mine is up now also.

Cath said...

An odd place to store toys - especially ones with wheels. But it looks like it works! The lawn area is clear.

Anonymous said...

I'm with Paulie... that's odd but ingenious :-)

Good, safe travels to you, Katney.

Victor said...

Count me in today. Posted my Odd Shot. Thanks Katney.

Rambling Woods said...

Please add me to the blogroll..Mine is up..Rambling Woods. It's a "booty shot"

LA Nickers said...


Not exactly toys . . . but standing nonetheless.

raf said...

Good one, Katney! Different for sure, but fun....maybe it was time to mow the lawn?
My post is up now.

Lilli & Nevada said...

Well i guess it is odd and yet useful if one had that many to store. Is it a play school that they would have that many?

Jane Hards Photography said...

Were they hanging out to dry? Very odd to have hanging around.

Paulie said...

One more thought -- maybe it is toys used at a daycare and they have to clean them/sterilize them for use daily?

imac said...

we ll Done my friend, you fell for that oneLOL.

Anonymous said...

Odd but maybe effective to get things out of the way.. or perhaps these wheeled thingies had become dirty and needed a good clean..
I got the odd number up! ;o)

Dragonstar said...

That's such fun! Have they been hung out to dry?

Lake Lady said...

Great shot, first thought was that whomever mows that yard must despise all those toys! But I'll bet the kiddos adore them. Mine's up!

Gemma Wiseman said...

That is plain weird but very colourful and entertaining!

Here is my Odd Shot for this week!

Is it just a curiosity?

becky aka theRAV said...

Well that is a bit odd, isn't it? Maybe to keep the rain or the dew off of them. Mine is up now.

Anonymous said...

That's a very good odd shot!

Mine's up HERE.

KylieM said...

hehe cool shot .. it looks like something our childcare centre does! hang up the bikes ..

mine is up ... lets just say it gives new meaning to sports day :)

Anonymous said...

What an odd way to hang trikes. I might try it though with my kids toys. I have posted my very first odd shot.

Anonymous said...

I did post an entry this week but I wasn't able to get here and post a comment. I may have found the Loch Ness Monster :)

Anonymous said...

A colourful and joyful odd shot! Have a nice week!