Wednesday, July 9, 2008

r e t i r e d~ a s ~ o f ~ T u e s d a y

David McMahon's Weekend Wanderings question this week was: "What brings tears to your eyes?"

Onions bring tears.
The end of each "Extreme Makeover Home Edition" episode brings tears.
"It's a Wonderful Life" brings tears.
The hymn "On Eagle's Wings" brings tears.
Laughing so hard you choke up brings tears.
Sad stories bring me tears.
Being snubbed brings me tears.
Frustration brings me tears.
Joyous accomplishment of others brings me tears.
Weddings bring me tears.
Funerals bring me tears.
A good book can bring me tears.
Wondrous beauty brings me tears.

It doesn't necessarily take a lot to bring tears to my eyes.

But what trully surprises me this morning as I continue to ponder it is that retirement has not yet brought me tears.

It wasn't my choice other than that I do not wish at this time in my life to make the effort to seek out a new job. I had determined already that this would be the job I retired from.
It was dropped on me suddenly by financial decisions of the school's financial committee. (On Tuesday afternoon by phone--which is not as awfully rude as it sounds. Force of circumstances made it next to impossible to get together--and after all, asking someone to drive 45 miles in order to tell them in person might be a bit of a blow as well)
The timing was such that I did not have the opportunity to say good-bye.
I did not have the opportunity to leave things organized for others.
I will miss the kids.
I have no plan beyond the weekend.
There was something we were checking out the calendar for the end of August and I said I couldn't say if we could do it because I had to check when the before school meetings were and now neither of us can remember what it was we wanted to do the end of August because the meetings don't matter any more. grrrr

I have to go in and clear out my stuff or I simply would not look back.

Okay, there was a tear just now--one in each eye.

They are gone now.


Daryl said...

Oh Katney ... that sucks .. it really does ... I am sure you will enjoy being free to make decisions w/o having to check school calendars but to tell you by phone and not give you the chance to say good bye ... I am sure you will be greatly missed

Close that book .. a new one awaits ...


Mary said...

I hope this retirement will become a source of joy and new things. Go ahead and shed a few tears for what is past and look forward with anticipation. Best of luck.

Paulie said...

I wondered what your comment on my blog meant. My allergies have put me behind in visiting blogs and I am trying to catch up today -- one of my better days -- before they bother me too much again and I can't read. . .

I am truly sorry that you did not get a retirement party at your school and some recognition for your years there. I hope you will be able to financially manage without the income. Just think . . . it will give you more time to do the things you love outside of your job which I know you enjoyed.

I wish you lots of special me time with you and your camera and God's blessings in all you choose to do in retirement. (I didn't want to retire yet either -- I just didn't want to teach and be a principal also.)

You know, it is a shame that they don't treat the media specialist job as important as a classroom teacher. . . I can say that because I had a media specialist degree and subbed long term in media centers.

God be with you in your new journey in life!

Paulie said...

I forgot to leave this. . .


Anonymous said...

I have a feeling you will likely be very busy in "retirement"! I can understand not liking how this was handed down. Is there a chance you can work part time (if you want) now or in the future with the school?

Christy Woolum said...

It surprises me that you weren't told sooner. I am always amazed how media specialists are seen as "extra staff" when it comes to cutting. In our small school we could never survive without our librarian/computerguy/teacher /
annual staff plus duties as assigned. He wears lots of hats. After you get used to the idea, I hope you can enjoy the time that is now yours. I thought my mom would have a difficult time retiring and adjusted amazingly to a whole new life... she hardly even went in to visit at school!

Barbara said...

I am sure you will enjoy your retirement even though it has come a little sooner than you expected. I am sure everyone will miss you as much as you miss them.

becky aka theRAV said...

So sorry to hear about this, Katney.

mrsnesbitt said...

Hey katney..................let's get together about all this!

Really! lets have a chat soon!


Lew said...

Welcome to the world of AARP! A couple of colleagues got the same kind of notice last year, including one with a kid in college (he landed a new job quickly). I had told my boss that I was retiring at the end of 07. I'm sure that you will find things to do (camping on Wednesday?). I will be following your retirement through Kaboodle and Yakima DP. Good luck and enjoy retirement!

Outhouse Capital of Canada said...

Plucking a hair from out of my nose is sure to bring tears.
Happy retirement, now you wont have time to do anything anymore.

Cath said...

Oh Katney - that is sudden. I hope you can turn it around and enjoy it. You know yourself - if tears come, let them come. If not, don't sweat it. I have decided to stop nursing after 24 years. A month ago I was fighting tooth and nail for my job. No tears. Just time.

Maybe the same for you. Unexpected, but maybe time. Clear out your stuff, say your "so longs" (not goodbye - you never know when you will see people), have a cry and look forward to August. Whatever it is you are meant to do in August. If you remember.... ;0)
Best wishes to you and a cyberhug. ((HUG))

Cath said...

PS. I meant to say - it's a great post a great take on the subject, lol I got too carried away with the negative bit (if it IS negative) and forgot the positive! You'll have so much to do anyway being such a great photographer, writer and plant expert - don't forget that aspect of your expertise. You know a lot about the flora and fauna around your area. ;0)