Monday, March 3, 2008

Odd Shots on Monday--Thank

We post Odd Shots every Monday. Click the logo to see the guidelines. Comment here if you have an odd shot we should go see.

I happened upon this bench after walking 5½ miles. It was so kind of them to provide a nice shady spot to rest--er---what is wrong with this picture?


Paulie said...

It's definitely not for you! lol Mine is up too.

Gerald (SK14) said...

there doesn't appear to be an access to it - I suspect it as at the rear of private property.

Dragonstar said...

Just what you want to see when you need a rest! You find some great odd shots.
Mine isn't particularly odd, but it insisted on being posted. Maybe that makes it odd enough!

Gin said...

Mine is up!

Well that was nice of someone to provide a place to rest, but how do you get to it??

Great odd shot!

Daryl said...

Its gated?

Too weird

Come see my odd shot

Diane said...

Hi Katney! Here is my shot. I really had fun doing this, and look forward to the next.

Katney said...

It was right there at the front of the lot next to the pathway and there was only a locked gate farther along the way. Not only could I not take a rst there, but who would or could?

Anita said...

Needs a sign saying "Nah nah nah-nah nah!!" lol..

Mine is up... :) Finally, after Blogger being such a witch all morning...

Lilli & Nevada said...

It definitely is a nice place but evidently someone doesn't want you to use it.
My first post is up

Silly Goose said...

Pretty funny...NOT! What a disappointment for someone needing a rest.

Please visit my Odd Shot

Dewdrop said...

Such a tease... Cool shot. I have posted my odd shot, too.

david mcmahon said...

Oh no, it's fenced off!

Anonymous said...

I guess it's the thought that counts? A nice bench to enjoy but no way to get to it. ;)

Mine is up:

becky aka theRAV said...

All fenced in, eh? I have odd shots on my blog.

Anonymous said...

Lol... it does need a "nah nah..." sign, or a baseball field! It's an interesting shot, at least!

Rosebud said...

Just great. That would be my luck too.So close but yet so far away!

I was looking for pictures of Narrows bridge and imagine my suprise to find "Narrow Bridges" on you blog. I already had this page opened! I love Rainier. Isn't it just great! My favorite bridge there has no hand rail, but you can see a water-fall. It's just before you get to the Carbon Glacier trail.

Maybe next month I'll be in time to post a picture of one of my favorite bridges in Missouri!

Cath said...

Definitely unusual (fortunately). So needs a "nah nah" or may be the bench is a tease....?

Lew said...

Clearly there are those who are "in" and those who are "out" as per Dr Seuss. No "bridging" from the fened in folks! LOL

FANCY said...

*LOL*...maybe not new ...But, new-old I can give you. Look for Yourself

Unknown said...

Ummm, it's on the wrong side of the fence? Maybe it's for people to sit and watch you walkers and laugh at your tiredness. Kindof a nah-na-nah-na-boo-boo?