Monday, March 31, 2008

Odd Shots Monday--tree

Click the logo in the sidebar. It will take you to the Odd Shots details.

Sorry folks, I have to make the exception to my own rule this time. I have a second photo that makes clear what is odd about the first. To start with, take a look at this forest picture from our hike last Monday.

Probably everyone but Paulie thinks we're nuts for hiking in that snow. She understands. But that is not what is odd--that we would go out hiking in many feet of snow cover. Do you see what is odd in that photo? It doesn't show as well as it did in real time.

That tree looked perfectly normal at the top. Nice green needles--lovely form. I don't know where it fell from or how it is hanging. There don't seem to be any matching stumps or snags.

But there it is.


Anita said...

Wow! That IS really odd! Did you see that when you took the picture? (I understand the hiking in the

Mine's up, such as it is... not really odd, but odd as I could get this week! :)

Sharon said...

That IS odd! I don't think that the hiking through the beautiful woods is odd though.

Mine is up.

Anonymous said...

Strange - Perhaps because it was in the middle of a forest it thought no one would notice :)

Mine is up.

Anonymous said...

Hello Katney!

This is really an odd and a very interesting shot I think.

I have also joined the "Odd Shot Monday" team. To see mine please click on

Since my blog is in french, please use Babelfish (there is a link to it on my blog) for translation into english.


Unknown said...

Yes that is really odd!

Mine is up....

Kyanite said...

How odd!

Have just posted my shot.

Have a good week

Kostas said...

do not have idea what is also that it became this, but I can I say that she is one marvellous odd shot!

Outhouse Capital of Canada said...

Thats strange with the tree hanging there, maybe after the snow melts you will find why.
I liked your mountain scenes.
We come down to Seattle twice a year but never go to the Space Noodle but like Pike market.

imac said...

Ah what a tree odditity that is.

Mines up now.

Paulie said...

Good thing you had an arrow pointing to it because I would not have sen it. I guess all the moisture kept it from drying out or an animal recently ate the bottom of it?

(What can I say when you break you own rule. . . )

Mine is up too. . . now I am going back to bed. I will visit around tomorrow. . . I mean later today.

Thanks for the award that I also got from Lili -- I posted on sidebar of recievng it from you also. You already had it so I didn't give to you . . .

Karuema said...

mine is up too:
but this tree case is really interesting. how it is possible...

Silly Goose said...

Very odd, Katney.

But I agree with the others that hiking in the snow is not odd at all. Well, not for me at least. I've been doing it all winter long in the regional forests near where I live. It's a challenge but you wouldn't believe the things you might see, right!

Daryl said...

that is ODD .. and a lovely photo as well ..

Mine's up!

Anonymous said...

That is very odd. I've seen hanging limbs but not trees. Mine is up:

Diane said...

Almost looks like it was grafted. Very strange eh?
I've posted my odd shot. Have a great day Katney!

Unknown said...

Very odd. But, nature is odd and educational all at once. My odd shot is up.
Click here.

dot said...

What a neat shot! Very odd indeed!

Karuema said...

mine is up!

Dewdrop said...

I am playing. Cool shot. I broke the rules... please don't fire me. lol.

Lilli & Nevada said...

Very Odd great that you found that from the photo it almost look like there is a seat there.
Yup know all about the snow walking

Dragonstar said...

Hi, mine's up at last!

That's decidedly odd - just hanging about, I suppose. (LOL)
Maybe it wanders around and visits relatives.

On this occasion I think it was necessary for you to post the second pic. I wouldn't have seen it otherwise!

katydidnot said...

very odd indeed.

katydidnot said...

thank you disarming word verification. it makes me want to cry. or throw things.

Gloria said...

That is so weird! But neat :)

My odd shot is up, but it's only odd in a way.... didn't take a lot of photos this week because of school commitments.

Unknown said...

That is odd, and a lovely photo.

becky aka theRAV said...

That is odd. Thanks for your sympathy about my uncle. It really meant alot. I have my odd shot up now.

Anonymous said...

Terrific eye... I like the shot even without the oddity :-)

Travis said...

That is a crazy shot. Great odd shot. That is a lot of fun.

Cath said...

Now that IS odd! What a great shot! Well spotted.

lv2scpbk said...

Neat. I found your site from mrsnesbittsplace.