Monday, March 24, 2008

Odd Shots Monday--Poetry Post

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If you do a Google search for "Poetry Post", you will be directed to innumerable forums and websites where people share, discuss, or ask and answer questions about poetry.

You probably won't find this.

Maybe you will, now.


When I took this photo of the post in a yard I pass each day on my way into school, I had no idea what it was. I had passed it numerous times and wondered. I took the picture, thinking it would eventually be an odd shot.


In our staff notes for the following week was a note that the fourth grade would be going on a walking field trip to the poetry post.


Once it had been so identified, I questioned the teacher who was taking the kids to the post. Here is the background: the gentleman who owns the house was an English teacher in a nearby high school who encouraged the study and writing of poetry. He also has, in his home, a printing press--my impression being that it is a vintage one. Anyone can tack a poem to the post. He occasionally gathers them from the post, and has published a book of poems from the post.


I may not have all of that exactly right, but question those fourth graders and they will tell you that they have had their poetry published--on the poetry post.


Paulie said...

Guess you can only post a poem in god weather huh? I didn't see any in baggies anyway. Ü Mine's up -- come and see.

Paulie said...

I meant good weather!

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful idea. I'm almost tempted to create a poetry post here in Perth. My odd shot is up too. Strictly for the birds :)

Kostas said...

Intelligent, original and odd idea in order to it makes his students write poetry!
Very good Odd shot.

ArneA said...

That is a fantastic story, and a really odd shot.
BLOGPOST the old way!

Anonymous said...

That is fantastic! The man should be commended, though I imagine folks using his post is reward enough for him.

Wonderful post :-)

mrsnesbitt said...

What a fantastic idea.
My odd shot is now up! Guess who? LOL!

Unknown said...

Wonderful idea, and a really odd shot! Great post.

My odd shot is up....

Anonymous said...

What a novel and clever wonderful idea!

Susan Rose Francois, CSJP said...

I played!

Sharon said...

I love the idea af the poetry post, wouldn't it be interesting to find the book? Cool Odd Shot.

Mine is up.

Anita said...

This is awesome!

I put mine up last night at Prairie Visions... :)

Daryl said...

Odd indeed ..

My shot is up!

Cath said...

What a wonderful idea! It keeps literature alive in young and inquiring minds. What a great English teacher!

And that is a superb odd shot!

Unknown said...

I like the idea of a poetry post. Very cool. I posted an odd shot today, as well.

Anonymous said...

I love it. It reminds me of the Poet Tree we have at our county's music festival each year in which poetry does grow on trees. June sent me.

dot said...

Interesting and a very neat idea.

Diane said...

I love this idea. Maybe we should all have a Poetry Post in our neighborhood.
Thanks for the Odd Shot Katney!
Mine has been posted.

dot said...

The advantage of using Mr. Linky is that you don't waste time going down a list of people who haven't made a post. It's much faster too. I wish I knew how others handle making these visits.

Gypsy at heart said...

Isn't it wonderful what kids, of all ages, respond to?

Check out my odd shot....the first tank.....

Gin said...

Mine's up!

I love that idea!! I'll bet the kids think it's great too.

Great Odd's something I've never heard of before.

Kyanite said...

Hi There!

As a fairly new ABC Wed lover, who's adicted to photography, I've now just joined you too!!!
No plan, my shots today, not even that valid but wanted to say "Hi"

Easter Monday Greetings

Anonymous said...

I love the idea of a poetry post!

My first odd shot is up :)

Lilli & Nevada said...

Great idea and good odd post

Silly Goose said...

Love the idea of posting poetry on a tree! I think I'd laminate it to help it survive a few weeks, though, before tacking it on a tree.

becky aka theRAV said...

Brings a whole new meaning to the word post, doesn't it, esp poetry post! I think it is neat that he does that. It may be the only way some get published. I have my odd shot up now.

ANNA-LYS said...

Great! :-D

I have been walking around looking at a lot of odd stuff thanks to You :-D