Here is the question, and I would love for you to think about it and answer either as a comment here, or in your own blog and link back here with it:
What is it in a blog that keeps you going back?
What is it in a blog that keeps you going back?
I'm doing my thinking about it and here are some of the things that get my click:
1. Witty, well written look at daily life that includes humor, character, concern.
2. Thoughtful insights into issues--but not rambling on and on.
3. A picture is worth a thousand words--good choice of pictures to illustrate or enhance the thought.
4. A meaningful visit around the world.
5. Helpfulness to others in the blogosphere--to readers and other bloggers.
6. This might seem to be a repeat of number 5, but I think it is different. I like a blogger who offers thoughtful comments on other's blogs.
6. This might seem to be a repeat of number 5, but I think it is different. I like a blogger who offers thoughtful comments on other's blogs.
7. A clean crisp look that is easy to navigate.
The other day CrazyCath awarded me the E for Excellent Award. Then, a day or two later, Ginni at The View From My Garden offered me the same award. There must be something here that they like.
~By accepting this Excellent Blog Award, you agree to award it to 10 more people whose blogs you find Excellent Award worthy. You can give it to as many people as you want but please try to award at least 10. You deserve this! Feel free to recognize blogs that have already received this award.
Here are my ten, and my reasons:
David McMahon at authorblog is on my list for all of my categories. There is no question about his writing and photography, but I would like to point out one of the things he does to help other bloggers. From time to time he offers insightful explanations of how he captured certain photos, and how that method helps to make them effective. His photography lessons have improved our photos.
Like David, Leslie, my neighbor to the north at The Pedalogue, also encompasses all of the categories. Pay her a visit and see if you don't agree.
Jackie, The Mother of This Lot at motherspride and another blogger I've found recently, katydidnot are masters of category number one. Their looks at daily life with kids will keep you in stitches.
I could visit Max E every day just for a look at the header on The MAX Files. What I find below the header are thoughtful posts, beautiful pictures, and a delightful visit to a different part of the world. I enjoy it immensely.
Inland Empire Girl blogs at Gathering Around the Table and is a teacher like myself. She doesn't blog a lot about her classroom, but somehow I can see the teacher behind her posts, which excel especially in categories 2 and 3. I particularly like her sibling assignments, done with her brother and sister in looking back at moments in their early life.
Another teacher I've known for a while before blogging and before she retired is Paulie, at Postcards from Paulie. Helpfulness is one of her special traits, along with nice photos from her wanderings about her community. It was Paulie who lured me out of the blogging woodwork. I had a blog, but until Paulie discovered it, it was hiding. It took Paulie to drag this shy blogger into the community.
Daryl E at Out and about in New York City has an all round great blog. Sometimes funny, sometimes thoughtful (sometimes both at once) great pictures, nice comments from her at other blogs. This rural girl gets an insight into urban life that I wouldn't be able to imagine from her.
Finally, in the picture is worth a thousand words category, there are three bloggers among many who help to encourage other bloggers to share their pictures , so they fit into the photos and the helpfulness categories. TnChick operates Saturday Photohunt, which now has about 250 participants. Mrs. Nesbitt started the ABC Wednesdays last year and it is midway into its second round and growing. RuneE has established Broer som Binder on the first Monday of each month. That translates to Bridges between... I'm linking to his Visual Norway blog, because it is in English.
Well, that's eleven from the list that I visit regularly. I could keep on adding to the list because there are others, but I have to stop sometime. I will stop by and tell them about the award tomorrow. For now, good night.
Gotta say I am flattered to be included with these others .. I blog for myself .. I started it to share photos and then thoughts emerged and then I let loose and just told it like it is .. for me . always about me .. LOL .. BUT I read other blogs often because someone like you starts a MEME or David, bless his Den Mother's heart, singles them out. BUT I go back to read them again and again because a connection forms .. like 'real life' friendships blog friendships seem to happen for many reasons. I try to read all the bloggers I feel this connection to on a daily basis I dont always leave comments because honestly I dont have the time to play with those 'word verification' thingies not because I wont take the time but because usually in my haste to post a comment and move on I mess up and have to re-type .. I know excuses excuses .. but honest I do read a lot .. and I think this topic of your's is excellent .. I am going to make an effort to come back and see who else as replied and what they have to say .. again, Katney, thanks for those nice words here and the ones you leave on my comment thingie. :-D
I agree with all of your criteria. It's a nice capsule to "keep by my side" for guidance. Enjoyed visiting your friends. I particularly enjoyed the maXfiles.
Thank you very much! I am honoured indeed, especially since my main reason for blogging is as a treatment for myself and as a place to display my pictures. I am very pleased when what I do in this way also pleases others.
However - it may take a little while before I have decided on how to pass them on, but when I do it will be with you excellent guidelines in mind
Gee Katney, thank you SO much for the honour - you're the 3rd one in a week to give me this, so I guess I must be doing something right. I do try to respond to those who comment on my blog and, like daryl e says, friendships seem to blossom with certain bloggers with whom you sense an affinity. I love meeting bloggers from all over the world to learn of their cultures, etc. I visit David's blog, too, and find him to be most polite by answering all my comments. I will be doing a post soon (hopefully later today) to continue passing along this award of excellence. By the way, your criteria is excellent and I'll keep that in mind when I choose my ten. :D
Thank you for the recognition!!
Did you know that at one time I actually was a blogger -like posting text content daily?? LOL Then, one day I was short on time... and now look. I only post one a week and it's the PhotoHunt. I never imagined it'd grow.
Anyway, I appreciate that you visit and enjoy the PhotoHunt =)
OK Katney - now you know how good your blog is! I will tell you why I keep coming back...
1. Witty, well written look at daily life that includes humor, character, concern.
2. Thoughtful insights into issues--but not rambling on and on.
3. A picture is worth a thousand words--good choice of pictures to illustrate or enhance the thought.
4. A meaningful visit around the world.
5. Helpfulness to others in the blogosphere--to readers and other bloggers.
6. This might seem to be a repeat of number 5, but I think it is different. I like a blogger who offers thoughtful comments on other's blogs.
7. A clean crisp look that is easy to navigate.
Your blog covers ALL the bases for me. From posts with bits of interesting info like the poetry post to fantastic photos that invoke memories in my own mind (even though I have never been to USA) to a visit around the world and helpful comments, mixed with little bits of information as to what is going on for you and finally, most encouragingly, repeat visits and helpful boosts with your comments on my blog.
So there you have it. I had a feeling you were "shy" somehow, but glad you came out of the woodwork! And I'm glad I found you through David's blog.
I agree with you totally about David (gave him the award top of the list too!) and the others you visit that I also visit, especially Daryl who I have never met but feel an affinity with and she is so witty, so insightful, supportive, and a talented photographer - a real genuine gem!
So are all the others of course ;0) Oh dear it is so hard not to cause offence! I love all the blogs I read. I really do or I wouldn't read them.
You deserve this award. Long comment again. :-/
Ooh just read Daryl's comment - I'm going to make her head grow! I want a photo Daryl when it's grown! lol
Thank you Katney - I am very flattered by your comments!
Thank you so much for the recognition and for the award. It's always a great buzz to be recognised by my peers.
I also want you to know that I think your list of seven elements is a terrific pointer to those bloggers who seek the perfect formula. Bravo
You have succeeded in defining the perfect blog and it is exactly what catches and holds me as I surf.
I also see you have found David...another great asset to the blogging community.
Just found you via David. What a great post. I'm new to blogging and this is a great checklist for me. I'll be sure to take note of these points and refer to them often. I'm sure it will make me a better blogger.
Thanks for sharing! I'll be back.
i would like to thank the academy, my publicist, my agent... er... wait, no. that's the wrong one.
thank you blog friend. i'm E for excited!
I popped over from David's to read your 'post of the day'. I agree with all your reasons to click. Congrats on the award btw. :)
Hi Katney, I have finally made it to you as promised.
Thanks so much for the recognition. I see you have put a lot of thought into your criteria for blog execellence. Those are all good reasons for going back. I am glad to have been able to pass something on to the blogging community through the maxfiles.
I enjoyed meeting all your friends!
Good tips too.
Great thoughts and a good list of reasons to keep clicking!
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