Monday, May 11, 2009

Look below for other recent posts.

Sticky Note: I am taking an intensive online class for the next three weeks--April 21-May 11. Put that on top of an otherwise busy schedule, and I may not be by to do much visiting during that time. I am working now to make sure most of my regular activities are ready to post in a timely manner.


Mary said...

I wondered why it said ABC Wednesday, and it 'is still Monday here in Washington. Did I sleep that long??? Have fun with your class.

Jan said...

Enjoy your class. Don't worry about visiting.

Liz Hinds said...

Class in what? Oh, yo're probably at it now.

Daryl said...

Enjoy the class, we'll all be here when you get back

Cath said...

Well I don't know where you find the time to do it all. I am remiss in visiting and posting and I don't do HALF of what you get up to!

Gattina said...

Going back to school ? Good luck !
What happens to odd shot ? I put mine up.

ArneA said...

Still some days to go until May 11.
Odd shots and Mr. Linky. Is there any connection to find?