Monday, January 26, 2009

Odd Shots on Monday

Click the Odd Shots Camera Logo in my sidebar for all the details of what Odd Shots is about. Tell us here in a comment if you have an Odd Shot posted, so that we can find it and see what is odd in your neighborhood.

This is my odd shadow on our hike yesterday.


Mamapippa ... said...

Thats a spooky shot ! Just as if you lost your hand ...
Mine's up too:

Gemma Wiseman said...

My first thought was some scarecrow with a broken broomstick! It does look spooky! Great shot!

Here is mine: Cockatoo Illusion

Rune Eide said...

You look frightening in that picture. I don't know if I dare continue with Odd Shot!

BTW, mine is here.

Jane Hards Photography said...

It makes you look like an omnipotent being. Spookily powerful image.

Poopsie aka Blue said...

Have to agree with the others, that looks spooky.

Anonymous said...

Definitely spooky! Just the image I need as I prepare for beddy byes and sweet dreams - - -

My odd shot is up, although it is probably only odd to me :)

stan said...

that's looks like some creature in a huge trenchcoat. I also enjoy taking pics of interesting shadows I come across. said...

ooh, that is odd!

becky aka theRAV said...

Cool odd show, Katney! Mine is up now.

Julie said...

Cool Shot. Strange but cool. My shot is up.

Daryl said...

Gloves on a string .. excellent way to not lose a glove while snapping a photo!

Victor said...

Odd indeed. Mine just went up. Cheers!

PERBS said...

Daryl's comment answered my question about the glove. You make a fine shadow. Nothing spooky about it.

Drop by and see my odd shot. Ü

raf said...

To be sure, Katney, it would appear that Frosty is but a shadow of him(her)self! Cool!

Just posted, Port Townsend Daily Photo

Anonymous said...

Very cool!

Tink said...

I have been excited to play with you in Odd Shots so here is my first attempt. Very fun idea!