Wednesday, February 10, 2010

This Way Thursday--admonished? advised?

Is a Caution a Warning?  If there are no Warning Signs, then what is this? Oh, no it is a Caution, not a Warning. Hmmmm.

 Go to This Way Thursday to see where everyone else is going today?



Nice! it's active, which is a Caution sign, but the next thing is not clear maybe that is electricity wire

Paulie said...

What it means are there are no further warning signs when you actually need one. lol

Katney said...

Hammed, becasue of the angle, the road does not show, but the wire is a support for a nearby power pole.

Pauli, I know what it means, but I still think it is funny.

don said...

A funny one to notice and shoot. Those entrusted with keeping our roads safe sometimes get carried away a bit. In this case, they should have added a sign before this one: Caution sign ahead! :-)

Gemma Wiseman said...

Love the use of the word 'primitive'. It seems to cover so many images in a 'politically decent' way! What a great, fun and unusual sign to find!