Saturday, April 25, 2009

PhotoHunt--Theme: Protect

I believe it is important to protect our kids by the way we post their photos on our blogs. Think about it.

PhotoHunt is TnChick's creation. See her for other interpretations of the theme.


Sherrie said...

You are so right!! With all the bad people out there you can't be tooooo careful! Have a great day!!


Aileni said...

I am not allowed to post pics of our grandchild.

kayerj said...

I agree--I like the way you've posted just their reflection in the water

I’m feeling safe here’s my photo hunt

PERBS said...

I know some blogs I visit, post them without even thinking about how "bad" people might use them by stealing the photo riht off your blog and use them in bad ways.

I like your reflection photos.

Gattina said...

Never thought of that, but maybe it's because I only publish cats !

Heart of a Ready Writer said...

Call ME a project. Isn't everyone?



Martha Z said...

Yes, I think if Michael were a different child I probably would not post his photos. Since he will never be alone in public his safety didn't seem to be an issue. His parents and I felt there was more to be gained in educating the public. I did think long and hard for I agree, there are dangers.
We're off to Yosemite in the morning. I'm hoping for great photos.