Monday, October 20, 2008

Odd Shot--so I know it was Homecoming...

This is the home of Odd Shots on Monday.
Post a comment on this post to let others know you are participating. Details can be had by clicking on the Odd Shot Camera in the sidebar.
So, as I mentioned above, it was Homecoming Weekend and all sorts of crazy stuff goes on during Homecoming Weekend.
And yes, this is the home of a local high school kid and I believe he is a football player.
And yes the trees in the yard were tp'd. (For those who don't already think that Americans are crazy, for as long as I can remember, teenagers have celebrated Homecoming by tp'ing their friends' trees and houses. Yes, it is what it sounds like: draping them with a roll of toilet paper.)
But what in the world is this?

Plastic forks in the lawn?


Gemma Wiseman said...

A very odd shot! I have no idea what the forks in the lawn mean! Almost looks like giant golf tees everywhere!

Here is mine for this week!

Mailbox Mannequin

PERBS said...

I guess they were stabbing them"int he back." Ü I have never heard of that.

Anonymous said...

Rather easier to clear up than a papered tree. Odd behaviour.
I had never heard of 'Homecoming'.

Dragonstar said...

That's weird! A strange crop.

Unknown said...

I've never tp-ed anyone's house before - looks like I was born many miles away from where the great fun is... but hey, it's never too late ;-)

I have no clue what's shown in your photo - since I read "plastic forks" I see them *g*

Please come over and caption my odd shot.

Sanni @ Life....

Jane Hards Photography said...

Plastic forks in the lawn. You got me there.

Cath said...

Hmmm that, to me, is as odd as "t'p-ing" the trees which I figured from your post was "toilet papering"? Odd indeed.

I don't have an odd shot this week (sorry). I couldn't see one as odd when I looked at what I got!

Daryl said...

Stick a fork in, its done?

Okay.. maybe its better than covering trees and cars and whatever else with toilet paper ..

Mine's an interestingly odd shot ..

Happy Odd Shot Monday!


Anonymous said...

You're right! It is odd!

Unknown said...

Anyhow, it is a great catch for odd shots!

Mine is up.

Diane said...

Yikes, just imagine cleaning those up? This is quite odd, and funny at the same time Katney!

JC said...

Lol... friend or foe, harmless fun. Those were the days...

Louis la Vache said...

Maybe the Picnic fairy had planted picnic seeds and these are the sprouts?

"Louis" has a couple of Canadian Snowbirds buzzing "Our Lady of the Maytag."

Victor said...

Yes that's definitely odd. My oddshot is up over at GDP. Cheers

MumbaiiteAnu said...

That's such an odd scene.

Mine is here

Raquel Sabino Pereira said...

That's odd all right!!!! LOL!!!

(I will make my first contribution next Monday, ok? But I have already added the logo on the side bar of Atlântico Azul, my main blog). said...

whoever did this for their homecoming prank certainly thinks outside the box!

Lakshmi said...

A very odd shot indeed :)

Lilli & Nevada said...

wow i have never heard of this one before

Rambling Woods said...

Forks..that is odd...Here is mine
Odd Shot

Lady Demeter said...

very odd!
I like this photo.
I posted my odd shot, too :)

Unknown said...

Gee, I have no idea what those forks mean? Very odd.

becky aka theRAV said...

That is odd Katney. Is it really plastic utensils? I have mine up although I couldn't rotate the photo. Sorry.

Anonymous said...

I wonder what kind of fertilizer you would use to grow plastic forks...? Great catch! Mine made it up this afternoon but I'm pokey.

Mary said...

A very ODD shot! I've never seen this done either.