Monday, October 6, 2008

Odd Shot Monday

Anyone can play Odd Shots here on Mondays by posting a photo that seems odd to them and commenting on my current Odd Shots post to let others know you are participating. Details can be found by clicking the Odd Shots Camera in the sidebar. I will eventually add you to the blogroll.

We followed this biker down the mountain road for quite a ways. He looked oddly legless on his recumbent bicycle from this angle. Though we often see cyclists pedaling up to the mountain, this is the firs recumbent we have seen.


Gemma Wiseman said...

I have only seen a very few recumbents! They look so strange! To me, the riders look awkward and not really relaxed!

Great pic!

Here is mine for this week! It is way out there!

Earth-Bound Jumbo Jet

Louis la Vache said...

He does indeed seem to be sans jambes!

"Louis's" contribution to the Monday Odd Shots is a Rat Bird.

Anonymous said...

I never did get to try one of those, though somehow I don't think it would suit me - I prefer drop handlebars,etc.
Looks wonderfully odd.
The books are part of my complete Aubrey/Maturin series by Patrick O'Brian.

Gattina said...

Hahaha ! that looks too funny !

Jane Hards Photography said...

Excellent. Lovely childhhood image

PERBS said...

Odd to me since this is the first one I have ever seen.

Come and see my odd shot --odd to see in the city anyway!

MumbaiiteAnu said...

Very interesting odd shot. I'm sure he has legs tucked in the front.
Cool shot.
My Odd Shot

Daryl said...

Nicely odd ... when I belonged to a gym the recumbent bikes were my fav ... less lower back stress


Diane said...

Good Morning Katney~Great odd shot! I would love a bike like this one, and I would love to be cycling on this road =)
Mine is up~

Cath said...

A legless cyclist! lol
Excellent shot.

magiceye said...

sure looks mighty odd!!

Anonymous said...

Good capture! He does look legless. I my back I would like a recumbent bicycle. My Odd Shot is up too.

JC said...

Ha... it took me a minute to see, lol.
Great shot!

Victor said...

Hello Katney. My Oddshot is up over at GDP. Cheers!

Lilli & Nevada said...

I saw a bunch of these a few weeks ago and they had like a blanket folded all the way around them and there bike, i wish i had had my camera
Mine is up

RaesMom said...

He does look odd. It's funny to see him all decked out in riding gear on such a bike that looks too casual for such stuff.

becky aka theRAV said...

I probably wouldn't have noticed his leglessness if you had not mentioned, Katney. I have mine up now.

Digital Polaroids said...

Look at mine...

Unknown said...

Finally got my post of the day up. Loved your odd shot. I have seen those bikes only a few times.

mannanan said...

Odd indeed. Looks like a unicycle.