Sunday, February 13, 2011

Odd Shots Laid Low

This Odd Shot is the view on the way to the Emergency Room if it is painful to sit. I am glad that the passenger seat leans back. Today I can sit but am pretty wobbly on my feet. I have arranged for others to take some of my evening's responsibilities, and hope to be back in reasonable form tomorrow.

Odd Shots is anything odd visually, strange juxtapositions, anything that makes you want to say "How odd." Post your odd shot, link here before Tuesday 3 p.m. Pacific Time, and do link to us in your post.

Thanks, Odd Shotters.


Martha Z said...

Oh dear! I hope you're not laid low for too long.

Paulie said...

Hope you have a speedy recovery! Much as you like to hike. . .

Liz Hinds said...

Poor you. Hope you're back to normal soon.

Lew said...

I hope you are back on your feet and steadily searching for more odd shots (and mountian scenes) soon! I have a less painful odd shot for all.