Friday, December 7, 2007

Photo Hunt--Theme: Long

Since we recently returned from a LONG drive from the Northwest to the Southwest to visit family, long trips and ways of transit came to my mind for this week's theme.
This is the LONG Lake Washington Floating Bridge which takes Interstate 90 into Seattle. It may not be the longest bridge there is, but if you are walking across it it seems quite long. We walked across the Floating Bridge during the Breast Cancer 3-Day Walk in September. I have already registered to participate in the 2008 3-Day, so I may be walking across this LONG bridge again next year.
This is a section of the Wonderland Trail, a hiking trail that goes all the way around Mt. Rainier. Various resources give the length of the trail as 90 miles or 94 miles. We have only hiked bits and pieces of it, but hope to do a LONGER section as a backpack trip next summer.
These Canada Geese are resting along their LONG migration last fall. I don't know where their migration starts and where they end up, but it is a LONG way to go each year.
The Columbia River is not the LONGEST river even in the country, but it is long enough for those of us who live near it. That is Mt. Hood in the distance.
From possibly the LONGEST trip we have ever taken, this represents a bit of the Trans-Siberian Railway. We made this long trip in 1998. The railway itself is around 10,000 miles long, but we only traveled about 5,000 miles of it, with other adventures along the way, including some LONG plane rides. (This is a photograph of a snapshot. I am surprised that it turned out so well. I need to transfer the hundreds of pictures taken on that trip from floppy disks sometime soon and share some of those old memories.)

What long trips have you been on?


-tnchick- said...

Wow, I bet that does seem like a very long walk - lots of folks walkin' there, too!

I really like the photo of the railway

Anonymous said...

I can walk through that!... Even if how long it is!... Love walking!.... cool shot you got!... Mine is here...


Have a great weekend!...

Liz said...

Beautiful shots. I liked the long walk photo. Happy hunting!

Anonymous said...

Great shots for the theme. Thanks for sharing ;) MIne is up at

Weird Dan said...

really great collection of photos. I love walks that are a bit longer than the usual. Nice :)

My Long Version

SnoopyTheGoon said...

That was a great tour of "long", thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

Bet that was fun walking across that bridge for the Breast Cancer walk. All the photos are great, and have a good weekend.

Anonymous said...

You have traveled such a long way. I hope you will continue your journey and share with us more photos in future.

jams o donnell said...

Wow So many great examples of long. A wonderful take on this week's theme

Carver said...

That's a great collection of photographs for the long theme. Very interesting choices and post. Have a great weekend.

ipanema said...

wow! i love your post! great photos!
they sure a loong and fun!

happy weekend! :)

Anonymous said...

Such a long walk.. and the photos of those birds in a long queue is nice..

I think china great wall is the long long building that I recommended..

Mine is up too.

happy weekend


Sarge Charlie said...

I love your photos

Melli said...

I haven't taken many loooooong trips -- probably the longest was 21 days in Texas!

Valarie said...

Great photos. I am sure that was a LONG ways to walk. Have a great weekend.

denz said...

wow! that's a long one, nice picture...kepp it up!!!
here is mine:
Happy Weekend!!!

Paulie said...

Thanks for sharing about your "long" adventures! I didn't know you could see the Columbia River from your home area. . . I do know it runs north and south before going east and west (past me) to the ocean tho. WOW! You can even see Mt. Hood . . . neato!!!!!!!

Don't worry about a typo on your comment to me --like I have never made any!!!!! Besides, we are both teachers and can read it anyway -- we have lots of experience! Ü

Katney said...

That picture was taken on a Spring Break outing last April. We made a day of it and explored a bit--but we were never more than a hundred miles from home. I guess that's quite a lot when you are on foot, but it's a good thing we can get around by car, as there is not that much you could get to by foot or public transit out here in the tullies.

Lana G! said...

A fellow Washingtonian showing off our pretty state! Beautiful shot of Mt. Ranier. Love them all.

Lana G! said...

Sorry, just realized that was Hood and not Ranier! Read the Ranier part and it stuck in my head!

ellen b. said...

I can't tell you the amount of trips I've made from Washington to Southern California on the good ole I-5. I've driven from So. Cali all the way to the East coast (with stops in between of course) I helped support my girlfriend who did the 3 day in Seattle...
anyway I don't want this comment to end up being the longest on record so I'll leave it here with a question. Do you live in Washington?

Katney said...

Yes, Lana, the one in the post is Hood, which, for those who don't know, is in Oregon but seen from many spots in Washington.

I was about to respond to your first comment to correct you, but then decided that you were referring to the shot of Rainier in my header.

If you scroll down to earlier posts--mostly during the summer, but some in October and November as well, you will find lots of photos of Rainier. My hubby and I are National Park Volunteers there during the summer season. We would volunteer during the winter, too, but since we live on the east side, access is too LONG a trip for us then.

And Ellen, yes, I live in Washington, in the Yakima Valley. And now my comment response is probably the longest comment on record.

Natalie said...

Oh my goodness that bridge is long, it would freak me out a bit!

My LONG picture is up! Come and visit! :)

BenSpark said...

I love the 3 day photo, my wife did the 3 day a few years back and it remains a cause close to our hearts.

Mine will be up at midnight EST.

Please come by and visit. It is my favorite road photo.

Lynn said...

The railway seems like a really looong stretch.

Ramon Jose said...

nice shots but the bridge pic is my fave. happy hunting. come and visit my photo hunt.

Andree said...

There is so much to comment on that I hardly know where to begin. The trail around Mt Rainier is something I'd love to do. The trees are so different than here that it would be fascinating. But a 10,000 mile long track? And you did half? How long did it take? Amazing.

WHIP's said...

wow, you certainly do travel. That 90 mile hike sounds fun! be sure and take tons of photos when you all go

maiylah said...

lovely shots!
i miss going out on long walks ... i think it's about time i start walking! :)

thanks for the visit!
happy weekend!
My PhotoHunt post

jmb said...

Great photos for the theme today. Good for you doing the walk.

My longest trip was by boat from Sydney Australia to London England in 1960. It took five weeks, going via the Suez Canal, in a really small ship by today's standards.
Thanks for visiting and have a great weekend.

kljs said...

Looks like a very long walk........ can I use a bicycle instead?

Pat said...

Wow - loads of great long photos!!

Happy Weekend.

Anonymous said...

Wow!... I will dare to walk all that! even if how long!... Thanks for dropping by mine...

Dare to Blog

Have a nice day!...c",)

JesieBlogJourney said...

Long walk for a good cause. Keeps fit and do it for Breast-Cancer. You are to be commended.

Thanks for visiting mine.

Have a great weekend.

A. said...

Lovely set of shots - and all very "long" :) Very interesting post.

Susan Demeter said...

Great idea for the theme! I love the second pic of the Wonderland trail. It is just beautiful :) Happy photo hunting, and thanks so much for stopping by :)

jennwa said...

What great shots. Those are beautiful pictures.

LivG said...

Great photos for long.

shiera said...

that was a long trip indeed. But I bet the sceneries were really worth it. ^-^

Anonymous said...

I love to read your photo hunter post, because you always have nice shots!

Btw, I also post my photo hunter for this week , please visit me and say HI ya!

Have a nice weekend~!

Heather said...

All long. :) The long walk across the bridge is really something.

Alix said...

Great photos, the one of the train lines is great. What an amazing journey that must have been.
My longest trip was UK to Mexico but as it was in a plane it was quite dull! said...

All the photo's are beautiful!! Love them. Thanks for your visit. Have a nice weekend. Grams

Anonymous said...

Beautiful photos.

I love taking long trips but it is always nice to come back home.

Anonymous said...

great post and great pics. i love it. thanks

Anonymous said...

Ooo I like the first photo on the bridge. It does look long, and fun. :D

Anonymous said...

from the pics, u lead an intresting life

Queen of My Domain said...

Those are great shots showing all sorts of different longs. Well Done.

JO said...

that's a loooong walk!!

peppylady (Dora) said...

I've been on the floating bridge in Seattle and seen Mount Hood.

I'm from North Idaho and it been a while sense I seen the Seattle area.

My photo is up.

Ingrid said...

Very interesting pictures ! what a long way to walk there, lol ! I think I would ask for a wheelchair I am soo lazy.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful entry!

Thanks for visiting earlier.


Autumn said...

Great photos for the theme!

Anna said...

That's a long walk, i could never walk that long hehehhehehhe...
Mine is up too:
Every Beat Of My Heart

sandierpastures said...

There is also a floating bridge here in Dubai!