Friday, September 21, 2007

3-Day Wrap Up

I said I would write later, so I guess it’s time to put some of my 3-Day thoughts into words and answer some of the questions that I have been asked. Of course, a case of brain drain and I can’t think of the questions now. If you have a question, post it in comments.

I am a hiker, so distance walking is not a new thing to me. We usually hike one day or two in a row, though. And although I might say that ten miles at altitude is an equivalent of twenty at sea level, your legs move twice as much in the twenty miles as they do in the ten. Your feet have twice as many times to rub on your shoes. And you have to get up and do it again the next morning.

Adding more training walks than just our weekend hikes required some creativity because of the heat this summer. Thus, my walks to McDonald’s for breakfast as soon as there was light. Did I train enough? That's a good question. I think I was ready. The problems I had came because of my knees. Let's face it--my knees are old. No amount of training can make up for old knees. The problems with my knees were the same ones I have at the end of a long day of hiking--but just a bit moreso. And tripping over a curb didn't help much at all.

The people, though! The people were the walk!
Those people who supported me with prayers, encouragement, or donations! Foremost there was my husband who, when I needed to go through the check in and I was still about a thousand dollars short of my fundraising minimum, said “go ahead.”

Those people who shared their stories. By the time I walked I had 72 names on my hat–not just my mother, sister, aunt and cousin. There were 71 women and one man who had faced breast cancer–8 related to me, a dozen more whom I know, and the rest friends and relatives of people I know.

The people who walked. There were about 2600 of us–mostly women–and of all ages. And this was just Seattle–one of twelve walks. Hmmm, should I do the math? If each walk has the same numbers there are over 31,000 walkers this year.

The people along the route who came out with red vines (I hate red vines, but someone pointed out that there is no litter to worry about.) kisses, freeze pops, stickers, cheers, songs, signs, flags, pink ribbons, smiles, and encouragement.

Okay, I’m getting caught up in it again, and I still haven’t processed the emotions or the spiritual aspects of the experience. I walked to the church this morning. Pretty much my first walk to speak of since my blisters healed. I haven’t worn pink in the last week and a half.

But I’m ready to sign up for next year.

1 comment:

Paulie said...

Good for you -- I am proud of you. I would walk another Portland marathon if it didn't cost money to do it . . . thus I just do my trails myself at no real cost. You walked yours for a good cause. Congrats on completion.