Sunday, December 4, 2011

Odd Shot Christmas

I managed to gather a number of odd shots on our recent trip to the Southwest, and I don't know which is the oddest. I'll be all set for several odd weeks to come. We'll start with Santa.

This fake Santa is set up in a giant fake snowglobe at a mall in Arizona (hence the cactus and wagon wheel.) He is decidedly odd. But the odd part is that at some point, one is expected to pay $22 to crawl into the giant fake snowglobe and get one's picture taken with fake Santa. I don't know if the environmentally sound compact fluorescent lamp  bulbs hanging by loose cords on fake Santa's chair are part of the deal either.

Earlier in the week before we were there our two daughters had met for lunch at the mall and younger daughter climbed behind the fence around the giant fake snowglobe so older daughter could take her picture with her phone. A little girl came up and remonstrated with them, "I think you are supposed to pay!!!" Well, little girl, "Why aren't you in school in the middle of the day?"


Maybe for $22 you get fake snow.
Share your Odd Shot with us by linking below. Visit other Odd Shotters and be sure to leave comments. We all love to hear what you think.


Lew said...

The mall people certainly can find odd gimicks to make a buck (or 22)!

imac said...

Love it.

Liz Hinds said...

22$? Good for your daughter!