Saturday, July 17, 2010

Always looking for the mountain view...

When we visit Mt. Rainier there is always the long view to the mountain (assuming the weather permits) and the near view to the wildflowers, the critters, what's going on in the river....

And then suddenly, as you are looking at the near view, the mountain looms again.

Weekend Reflections is hosted by James at Newtown Daily Photo.


giorno26 ¸¸.•*¨*•. said...

Ciao Katney, felice sabato :-))

Rosie Nixon Fluerty said...

Is that the mountain in your reflection? it sure looks so tall. Lovely shot. You can see my weekend reflection here

:) Rosie

Katney said...

It is indeed, leaves. Click the label Mountain Madness for lots of mountain views. The label describes my passion for it.

Martha Z said...

It's always there, a great presence. Off tomorrow to experience being in the presence of another great mountain, and rain, lots of rain in the forcast.

Beth Niquette said...

THAT is just extraordinary. This photo fills my eyes, which is the greatest compliment I can give.

Katney said...

Oh, Martha, I hope you get a clear day while you are there. We saw Denali last fall from a distance and flying over, but while we were at the Park--no mountain. There is always the near view. Showers are forecast in Scotland, too.

imac said...

What a beauty, smile and the clouds will roll away.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful catch of a mountain in a puddle!

Hilda said...

Great eye! Wonderful capture of the majestic mountain in the humble puddle. Love the texture that the rocks make too.

Rune Eide said...

Sometimes you have to look down to look up