Monday, June 30, 2008
Don't forget
Odd Shots on Monday
It struck me as odd looking this morning.
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Photo Hunt--Theme: Bright
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
ABC Wednesday W
To find other ABC Wednesday participants, visit Mrs Nesbitt. This weekly ABC was her inspiration and she keeps us going.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Twofer Tuesday
Monday, June 23, 2008
Odd Shot Monday
Post a comment on THIS post to let everyone know
you have participated this week. Full details are here
and are always available by clicking the logo in the sidebar.
It is not upside down. I was lying on the grass under the tree.
Be patient if I don't comment or update the blogroll this week. I am traveling, and may not get to it till I return.
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Camera Critters

Saturday, June 21, 2008
Combined Post--Photo Hunt Water and ABC Wednesday W

ABC Wednesday is hosted by Mrs. Nesbitt.
Visit them both to see what wonders await.
Photo Hunt's June 21 theme of Water and ABC Wednesday reaching the letter W on June 25 have arrived within days of each other, so, since I will be traveling this week, I will post a joint offering today. Hmmm, maybe I should have included something Odd for Odd Shots Monday. Apologies for not doing much visiting during either of these memes because of travel. I'll get around some when I return.
So we will look at water at Mt. Rainier National Park in various forms and scales.
Here it is in droplets of rain on a just budding Anenome or Pasqueflower...
...and here is is in the form of fog--or a cloud (depending on where you stand) over the White River Valley.
I couldn't pass up the wonderful reflection in the still water of this pond near the Stevens Canyon Entrance Station.
Water can show up as ice if you hike in the late fall.
Ice takes on grand proportions as a glacier--in this case, the Nisqually Glacier in winter. When I say grand proportions, notice the scale of the snout of the glacier in comparison to the snowboarders on the snow below it.

Water can sculpt the terrain, can stress the infrastructure, and also, among many other things, can make possible scenes like this, near a stream in Berkeley Park north of Sunrise.
Water has had an impact everywhere in the Mt. Rainier region for millennia. Five thousand years ago, the Oseola mudflow (mud being water and earth) traveled far into the Puget Sound, creating the land upon which now sit many of Seattle's neighboring cities. Its abundance or lack is the basis of the park's varying ecosystems. In the form of snow, it closes portions of the Park for the winter, and slows travel in others--and extended even into June this year. Snow and ice can be a life threatening encounter when weather shifts for climbers or high elevation hikers. Water, in the form of 18 inches of rain in 36 hours on November 6, 2006, set off flooding and slides which severely impacted the ecology, the infrastructure, and visitors on the mountain for more than a year.
Friday, June 20, 2008
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Arte y Pico
I visit Inland Empire Girl several times a week at her blog Gathering around the Table. We have several things in common--we are both teachers, love books, love the outdoors, words, photography, gardening (though she is considerably better at it that I am.) We have other things in common she is not aware of. It is not inconceivable that we might meet face to face one day.
The other day, Inland Empire Girl stopped by to tell me she had an award for me. I am humbled and heartened. Here it is:

This award is "dedicated to many who nourish and enrich the spirit and creativity. They see dedication, creativity, camaraderie, joy, and above all ART, much art. I wish that this prize is entertaining to all those bloggers and to bloggers who day by day share this space and enrich it a little more each day." Arte Y Pico at
The Rules are these:
1) Select 5 blogs that you consider deserving of this award, creativity, design, interesting material, and also contributes to the blogger community, no matter what language.
2) Each award has to have the name of the author and also a link to his or her blog to be visited by everyone.
3) Each award-winner has to show the award and put the name and link to the blog that has given her or him the award
4) The award-winner and the one who has given the prize have to show a link of "Arte y pico" blog, so everyone will know the
origin of the award.
Do you know how hard #1 is?
Only five! Which five best fit those exact criteria? Which five do I choose? Why can't I chose ten? Why can't I choose them all?
So, here goes:
First and Second: A blogging couple. I have met several in the blogosphere. Blogging from South Africa, Max-E and SuzyK share their corner of the world with us with awesome photographs, insightful analysis of events in their neighborhood and their country, delightful wanderings. What one did not tell of their recent trip to Lesotho was detailed by the other--and is some cases the two sides of the same adventure made a delightful contrast. Stop by to see Max at The Max Files and if that header doesn't blow you away, nothing will. Suzy can be found at Arty Farting Around and check out her art blog as well.
Third: You must visit Imac whose stunning images on Imac's Photos from the Mind's Eye will amaze you. He's a time traveler, too!
Dot, from Strolling through Georgia is my number four. She is the one who invigorates us all, inspiring us to share in the group blog Picture This (a no comment blog).
My number five is a blog I have recently begun visiting regularly. I am not sure who led me there, but Thank you, whoever you are. I came, I looked, and I liked what I saw at Faith, Fabric and Photos. It is well written, well photographed--and I am jealous as all get out of those macro lenses!
For some reason I couldn't do the nice cool hyperlinks for those last few paragraphs. I think blogger hiccuped. I'll fix them later if I can. Fixed. And now I must go tell them all.* This weird font anomaly is a blogger hiccup, too. Hopefully that can be fixed later, too. Nope, still hiccuping on that one.
*It appears that I have unwittingly entered into some no-tag zones. (I never heard of no tag zones--hmmm, gotta think about that.) These bloggers have the right and reason to not participate in passing things like this along and I respect that--some of them can get a bit crazy( the tags, not the bloggers). I will, however, leave my post as it is, as these are the five that I have chosen.
ABC Wednesday -- V
ABC Wednesday and learn who
else has participated in V by visiting
Mrs. Nesbitt.
V is for Sitka Valerian which grows in the meadows.
V is for Vanilla Leaf which grows in the forest.
(Note--not the spice, but the leaf has a faint vanilla-like scent.)
And most of all, V is for VOLUNTEERS, who make many organizations more successful than they otherwise might be.
Volunteers learning about volcanoes at training last summer.
Volunteers working to clear a fallen tree from the trail. We needed a larger saw.
Volunteer shoveling steps in a snow bank to make the trail safer for early season hikers.
My husband and I are members of the Volunteers in the Parks at Mt. Rainier National Park. Our volunteer program at Mt. Rainier expanded tremendously last summer due to the response to needs generated by the floods the previous November, and received a national award for outstanding volunteer program. National Park Volunteers help with trail and campground maintenance, visitor services, and many other tasks that free up Rangers for vital duties.
Many organizations can use the help of volunteers to improve services. You can volunteer with church, library, senior center, youth organizations, hospice, schools...the list is endless. Volunteering can be a hugely rewarding experience. Volunteer in your community today!
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
It's Alarming!
I went into the bedroom to change into something comfortable for the evening.
And I almost set the alarm clock.
Am I out of my mind?
Twofer Tuesday--Rings true
Monday, June 16, 2008
Odd Shots Monday--When Two Libraries Merge
When two lives merge, odd combinations of titles find themselves in juxtaposition on the bookshelf.
Friday, June 13, 2008
Photo Hunt--Emotions
Go to see TnChick for PhotoHunt.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
ABC Wednesday-U
U was hard for me. The other day I said to my hubby, "I know what I will do for U. Upsit Creek." Somehow that didn't ring right, and I remembered that it is Ipsut Creek.
So I realized that I would fall back on two Us that are always available.
The first of these is Under.
It is exciting to watch to see what is under things around you as you hike at Mt. Rainier, or anywhere.
Like these mushrooms growing under a bit of grass along the Rampart Ridge trail in August last year.
U is also for UP.
Here on the Frying Pan Creek trail last October we hiked a long way up.
So there you are. Don't forget to look under and up.