Wednesday, January 1, 2014

It's All New!

It's a New Year.

And it's a new moon.

Not only is it a new moon to start the new year, but it is also a supermoon--one of the times of the year when the moon is closest to the earth.

This would be especially cool if you could actually see it.

The new moon is barely visible because it rises with the sun and sets with the sun, and there is not much of it to see because  it is such a slim sliver of visible reflected light.

And it is not visible at all today because it is so darn FOGGY!!

So I am presenting these shots of a crescent moon taken a couple of years ago. It is about as close a shot as I can come up with of a new moon. A few days after (or was it before) the moon is truly new.

And since Tom gave us the theme "It's All New!" I usher in the new year with the new (or only slightly used) moon.



imac said...

Well done Kathy, Fog is a nuisance,init,lol.
Great Its all New Kathy

Lew said...

Delightful moon, even if slightly old! I watched the sunset today, but did not spot the moon among the clouds.

Craver Vii said...

Beautiful moon shot. Kudos for finding a way to overcome the present visibility challenges.

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Certainly enjoyed your new moon shots Kathy. The Canon always does a nice job with them.

heritagemom said...

Love it! Moon shots are hard, but I really like yours, especially for the theme this week. :)