Wednesday, August 12, 2015


Still without internet at home. There is supposed to be a contract in my e-mail for a new company, but it has not yet appeared. Before we headed off to the doctor's this morning--yes, Wednesday is always doctor day--I loaded up my most recent months' pictures on the laptop so that I would have something to work with here.

You might wonder how this image represents melting. You will see below the other pictures. These few were taken during our two camping trips last month. In between hospital emergency room visits and Vacation Bible School, we camped with the kids (Cousin Camp) and had our own just the two of us escape to the woods.

Here is the full photo I cropped my header from. The kids starting to get arranged for a group picture at Paradise. They are waiting for the rest of the cousins.

 Now what does that have to do with melting? I promise, I will tell you later.
Two weeks after Cousin Camp we took our home away from home back. The weather was not quite as good.

It is melting snow that makes for rapids in the river and melting snow creates waterfalls..

Melting causes the glaciers to recede. Glaciers recede when there is, over time, more melt than there is new snowfall added. The Nisqually Glacier once reached to the location of the bridge and beyond. Now we see the Nisqually River from Ricksecker Point, and on this July day the glacier is hiding in the mists.

So why does my header image represent melting. Well, that picture was taken at Paradise this July. Usually there is still snow on the ground at that time with signs of the melting in the form of puddles and draining water. This past winter's snowpack at Paradise was the least since records were kept.   This next picture was taken at the same place in February. (You can see the line of trees upper right.)

My headbanger friends will have other melting pictures. Their links are in my sidebar.

Sorry, I can't seem to get rid of the extra copy of the river picture without deleting everything.



imac said...

Looks like Ranny has the kids under control Kathy,.

Lew said...

A lot of melting in your part of the the USA! I hope we soon get a reversal of the dry skies to replenish the snow on your mountain.

Ingrid said...

That's not good if too many places are melting !

heritagemom said...

That is some serious melting between February and summer!