Thursday, June 28, 2007

Mountain Views from Large to Small

Time to share some more Mountain views starting with the whole thing, down to the tiny.
The first is a view from the Rim Trail out of Surise. Emmons Glacier is the largest in surfact area in the Lower 48. The river is the Whiter River.
This little critter hangs out in rocky places. He is a pica. Seeing one is a treat--getting one to sit still for a photo is a miracle.
About an inch in wingspan, the Blue Lady is also not easy to photograph.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007


My plan was to walk home from Skipper's this evening. I made it 2.75 miles. It was 95ยบ out after 5:30. I only had one bottle of water with me. As much of it went on the outside as in. Some things gotta be rethunk.

A couple more photos

Quite a few folks were impressed with my deer photo, so I though I would add some more of the Mt. Rainier grandeur. This is Shadow Lake, with a bit of the mountain reflected in it. This is a hike we take several times a summer. I like to watch the dragonflies on the lake, but have never been able to capture them on film.

This is the view from the old campfire program amphitheater at Whiter River Campground with the mountain backlit by the setting sun. That amphitheater was washed away by the floods of November 2006. A new one is being built in a different location in the campground, but it will no longer have the mountain view. I've made an 8x10 print of this picture for the Rangers to share at their programs.

This one is the top of Mt. Rainier--a picture that I took from the plane when I flew to Phoenix four years ago. This is a view that is not often seen.

Making Roads

Kim in CA was looking for a picture yesterday and I think that this one is ideal for her purpose. She wanted one of a grassy field to go with a poem about how we make the roads by walking. It looks to me like there is no road here, but this fine friend could make one by walking across that meadow. I hope Kim likes it.

Starting a New Blog

I've been visiting a couple of interesting blogs and have decided to start a new one myself. I started a blog a couple of years ago--it has a grand total of about ten entries. Rather than resurrect that one, I decided to start anew. I think that the difference will be that I can actually find this one, and maybe anyone who might actually be interested in my musings will, too. My plan is to actually post to this one.